This looks like a mess, but it's actually progress! My dad has been making cabinets that match the existing cabinets so we can add them in where we need them. The island will have cabinets only at the end near the range and he has made a red cedar counter top to go on top and extend past the cabinets to form a breakfast area. The cabinet that drops down a few inches will have our stone counter top and will also have a sink and dishwasher. (As you can see, the floor is not in yet. It will be the last thing to go in.)
The cabinets on the "living room" side of the kitchen have been set. The columns will have stone on them, so they are still bare.
The doorway you see here will lead into the butler's kitchen (also called a "dirty kitchen" or "working kitchen".) The built-in refrigerator will go to the left of it where you see the dry wall built out.
This is the wall where the range and Vent-a-Hood will go. I will be painting all the cabinets to match. The areas where the dry wall is gone will be limestone. (We still need to remove some above some cabinets, but since I was the one doing that I had to stop when I got to the areas that I couldn't even reach with a ladder.) That has to go in after the counter tops. (They will be making the template for counter tops this week and then will put us on the list for installation. UGH! I hate this waiting game!)
it doesn't look like much yet, but progress is being made. Just wait and see. It will all come together in the end!
During a little break, I found a couple of large rocks that really were interesting to me. It's not uncommon to find rocks in the hill country with all kinds of shapes and wear patterns. Many have holes and other beautiful and odd configurations. This held my interest because not only did it have holes,it had a very porous texture like a bone. I thought it was a deer skull when I pulled it out of the ground. (It was half exposed.)

See how porous it looks?
Nearby was another interesting rock. These are both large rocks, about 10"to 11" wide.
This also had an interesting texture and was full of holes.
I can't wait to do some exploring with my grandson. I think this would be a great place for a little boy to find "treasures".
I am working on some quilty projects, but I am saving some to show for the See You in September blog hop! I hope you'll be surprised!