To begin, I want everyone to know how extremely grateful I am to all of you who have sent words of encouragement, cards, and even packages to brighten my days. I have found so much enjoyment in them all! (And to whoever tried to send me a package from Tennessee, I send my apologies from UPS. They received the package here on October 28, sent it back to you on November 4, and sent me a notice to come pick it up on November 8! (Of course, that was after it had been returned!) They couldn't give me your name, so I couldn't let you know that I did not reject your package or anything like that. They to pay for a second try, but I had no way of letting you know that. I'm SO SORRY! The problem was that I must have hit the 3 key instead of the 4 key in my address. It was sent to 2035 instead of 2045. You would think they would have at least gotten close because we're out in the country and that should have been close enough to get it to us. Again, I'm so sorry!
I am still filling out contents lists and trying to find values for things. It is quite a job. We are about to leave for an appointment with a real estate agent. We will discuss our options - selling our land, buying new land and building, or finding an existing house.
We're still doing fine and feel so blessed in so many ways!
( I'll find time to post soon with photos.)
Glad to hear from you Linda that you are doing fine.
ReplyDeleteHow lovely that you still have your creativity with all that is at hand right now.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see this update. You've been so strong, and it's such an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteSorry for all the hassles. Such a pain, but, I'm glad you all were safe, not hurt. Still praying for all of your recovery from the fire. There will be a 'new normal' soon.
ReplyDeleteHope things settle down for you soon. We were hit by lightening some years ago and it seemed to take forever to get things listed and insurance to take care of it. I can only imagine what you are going through trying to list everything when it isn't there anymore. I could at least see what needed to be replaced. Would you please send me your address? Have a couple of things I would like to pass along to you.
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking of you yesterday, wondering how you were doing. I hope you're able to smoothly progress through all the necessary steps to get back into a home of your own.
ReplyDeleteLinda, it is a terrible tragedy, but God brings good out of bad, so I'm sure you will be blessed with what is ahead.
ReplyDeleteLinda, you and your husband are still in my thoughts and prayers. I know you are just taking one day at a time. It will be good that you are hopping again in the Kona Hop. Your creativity survived along with your spirit and love for life. God is still in the midst of the crazy details (I know you know)!
ReplyDeleteAre you geared up to go shopping for new household goodies?
ReplyDeleteGlad you are still hanging in there Linda. Slowly but surely you will get there.
ReplyDeleteLinda it is so good to read your post and know that you are making progress. Keeping you in my thoughts every day. Blessings Dear...
ReplyDeleteLinda... I wish I lived close enough to help you with whatever it is you would need... but since I do not I will continue to send up prayers for you and your family. This is nothing any of us what to ever go through. There is an old saying that I say to myself when I face an obstacle that is hard to deal with.. "What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger". You will come out on the other side stronger than ever, I know it.
ReplyDeleteBless you....
ReplyDeleteit is so nice to see that you are so full of spirit. I hope that you soon will find a new home and a little time for sewing. Have a great weekend. Warm hugs all way from me in Malmö, Sweden
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that you are doing okay. You are so brave and admirable!!
ReplyDeleteOur insurance agent told us to go through our house and take photos of everything of value. We did that a couple years ago when there were such bad wildfires here in Texas. I realize this is too late for you this time around, but I thought maybe it would be a useful tip for your readers. We keep copies stored online, but it would also work to give a copy on DVD or blueray to a relative or good friend. It might be a good idea to photograph our fabric stashes too, since some of us have a pretty penny invested in fabric! :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're still doing well!
You've got a great are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI will sincerely point out you actually come up with quite a few superb ideas and I will publish a variety of creative ideas to add in soon.
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