Ralph Waldo Emerson said,
"The earth laughs in flowers."
How true that is! I consider myself a happy person. I want my home to reflect that. I was asked to show how I use plants and flowers in my home. They are certainly important to my decorating, but also to my creative process. I feel calmer with plants and flowers around.
We had the contractor and an engineer out last weekend to let us know where we could move walls in the lower level of our house. So the drywall dust has "hit the fan" again!
I am so excited about starting the next phase in this renovation. This is part of what will become my new sewing room. I am also a little stressed, so I came home with a bundle of fall flowers. (My husband didn't even raise an eyebrow!)
They looked a little"puny" for my big space.
The only other vase I have is a large rectangular vase. It was too big! So.....
"The earth laughs in flowers."
How true that is! I consider myself a happy person. I want my home to reflect that. I was asked to show how I use plants and flowers in my home. They are certainly important to my decorating, but also to my creative process. I feel calmer with plants and flowers around.
We had the contractor and an engineer out last weekend to let us know where we could move walls in the lower level of our house. So the drywall dust has "hit the fan" again!
I am so excited about starting the next phase in this renovation. This is part of what will become my new sewing room. I am also a little stressed, so I came home with a bundle of fall flowers. (My husband didn't even raise an eyebrow!)
The only other vase I have is a large rectangular vase. It was too big! So.....
I added some rocks (cleaned first) and filled in the flowers with cedar sprays (from my yard) and a few wildflowers.
Now I have a space to enjoy a little bit of "finished work"! Flowers can work wonders!
Some of my restful spots are very small and almost hidden. This little vintage plant holder makes such a sweet little spot to rest your eyes. There is something so happy about him! His little wagon with the tiny succulent plant is going to be great in my sewing room (when it is finished!).
In the living room, I
have fresh greenery in a galvanized bucket beside the fireplace. It
adds a fresh touch and a really nice cedar aroma!
I have an arrangement of brightly colored flowers on an end table in the living room. The galvanized watering can is a "hill country" touch.
I even have plants on my coffee table. The little greenhouse has succulents. You can see that there is also a plant beside the chair in the background.
My new sitting room, off the kitchen, has lamps with glass bases. You have seen these filled with sea shells, I'm sure. I decided to make little outdoor scenes in mine.
One has a Longhorn because my husband is a University of Texas fan!
One has a deer because that is what we see outside our window!
I have used real cedar, but you can use anything you can fit inside the lamp. (I also added a little silicone packet to absorb moisture!) I know the cedar will dry up because I can't water it, but it will hold its color for a long time. Then I can change the greenery or the scene! These don't scream out at you from across the room, but after you sit down and look around, you see them! (Like a little surprise!)
If you find that your room is left "needing something" after you arrange it, try popping a plant in!
Here is a seasonal plant in my husband's office.
Don't wait until a sad occasion like an illness to have fresh flowers around! Also, don't wait for some special person in your life to give you flowers! Pick some up "just because" you want them around! See how it makes you feel! You can also order flowers easily from your computer!
Check out BloomNation, an online marketplace that supports local florists, and get inspiration through their Pinterest board!
You just might be inspired!