My dad just gave me an album of pictures to replace the wedding album we lost in the fire!
I no longer weigh 98 lbs. and I look a lot older, but Doug still treats me like a princess (just ask my sister!). He has a little less hair and a few more wrinkles, but my heart still jumps when he walks in the door. The wedding rings were lost in the fire, but the marriage is solid! My love for him has never faltered and has grown stronger every single day. We have the most important things in life in common - our love for God, our moral values, our children. We both love to read, to take drives in the country, to visit new places and see new things.
We are also very different in many ways. He loves seafood; I am allergic! He loves sports; I don't, unless my grandkids are involved.
He loves action movies; I love suspense thrillers. He orders something different at a restaurant every time we go; I order the one thing I'm SURE I'll like. Every time.
I go around danger; he meets it head-on!
I am predominately "right brained"; he's predominately "left- brained".
My thought process is very
scattered. I jump around from thought to thought, idea to idea; he's a "linear thinker"!
He climbed to the top just so he could "check it off his list"! |
My husband is a scientist. In science, you
need to do things step by step.
When it comes to working together, I want to just jump
in and do what I can, when I can! He is frantically trying to keep me "in
line"! Poor guy! I'm sure my "ah ha!" thinking is the cause of his hair loss! He is calmly and wisely assessing the situation
while I am dancing a jig on the sidelines, anxious to just do something! We've been married
43 1/2 very happy years, so I guess we compliment each other!
On Monday, April 21, I will be sharing my "Superpower"! Please join me then and see the project I've made just for that hop. In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying what others have revealed. You can get there by clicking

On Monday, April 21, I will be sharing my "Superpower"! Please join me then and see the project I've made just for that hop. In the meantime, I hope you're enjoying what others have revealed. You can get there by clicking

So glad your Dad was able to reproduce those precious pictures. I have to laugh because you could be describing my marriage with a few exceptions. I'm the one who rushes into danger and loves to try new things while Chris is always trying to get me to reconsider. He's saved me from many a mistake I can tell you but I've led him on many a fun adventure in 46 years!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this ! I'm so happy you got those pictures, that was so sweet of your daddy ! You have always been sooooooo pretty !!
ReplyDeleteHow very sweet - of your dad, and your 'reflections. It warms my heart.
ReplyDeleteOh, Linda. How wonderful. Your little walk down memory lane brought a tear to my eye. Thanks so much for sharing it. Lane
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to get some of your photos! Congrats on a happy marriage, one that obviously holds up in the bad times as well as the good times.
ReplyDeleteThat was a sweet gift from your dad and something you will treasure for two reasons, now.
ReplyDeleteI think opposites attract and it keeps things interesting and he keeps me grounded and I teach him to dream.
You still look the same, too. The most important parts of your marriage made it thru the fire, the two of you!
ReplyDeleteYou still look the same....sooooo pretty lady what are your plans for your next anniversary
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful gift to have at least some of your wedding album pictures back. It sounds like you two are in it for the long haul. If you can survive not only the passage of time and opposites of your personalities but the fire and rebuilding on top of that, you are a committed couple for sure! I look forward to your hop entry in a few days.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post, Linda. How lovely of your father to arrange the photo album for you. I enjoyed finding out some more about you. Thanks for sharing with us. Hugs, Christine
ReplyDeleteYou're so pretty! Hubs and I are the same way - he always wants to try something new at restaurants while I want something I know I'll like. And same with the assessing of situations. I just jump in. And what a wonderful gift from your dad.
ReplyDeleteLinda that's the most thoughtful gift I've ever heard of! I didn't realize you'd lost your rings and I'm so sorry about that but the ring isn't what holds you together, it's the love. We will celebrate 50 years in October and if I've learned one thing it is that you have to be IN the marriage for it to succeed. Not everyone would understand that but I bet those who have been married twenty years or more do. blessings, marlene
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice post Linda. I wish you both a lovely happy anniversary. You must have been a wee little thing when you married.
ReplyDeleteWell I am jelouse he got to climb up! We got to go in 2011 and they no longer allow you to climb the. Large pyramid at Chichen Itsa.
ReplyDeleteAnd in you Honeymans eyes I'm sure you are the same beautiful bride who walked down that aisle!
I loved reading your post! Beautiful wedding pictures! -Brittany
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter Linda. It's wonderful to have had such a great marriage so far. Me too! Coming up 29 years. Love him
ReplyDeleteOh, I enjoyed reading this post! What a blessing for your dad to make that book for you, but what a greater blessing to have such a marriage! The Lord bless you with more years and blessings together. :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a good Resurrection Sunday.