Hello! Thank you for joining me today on the Wicked blog hop! Some of you know that my husband and I lost our house to fire on October 9, so the pictures I'm going to show are not great. I had them on my phone and they were taken before the projects were complete, but at least you can see what I would have shown! I did finish them, but lost them in the fire.
First of all, I live in south Texas, where many of my friends with a Mexican heritage celebrate Dia De Las Muertas or Day of the Dead. They have explained to me that this is NOT a zombie type thing for them, but simply a memorial for friends who have passed on. It is celebrated from October 31 through November 2. Some of the decorations are a little macabre to some of us, but are not intended to be spooky or creepy. Candies called sugar skulls are part of the celebration, as well as other skeleton figures posed in common positions they might have had in life. Flowers and pretty colors also play a part.
My first project is a doll. She is intended to be a skeleton doll wearing a pretty floral dress and a flower bedecked hat. I was in the process of making her some shoes and underwear, but they are not on her in this early photo.
My second project was a wall hanging depicting two "ladies" enjoying a sweet feast!
The speech bubble says, "Finally I can eat whatever I want and I don't gain a pound!" This was a fairly large wall hanging and I had finished quilting and binding it, but not in this photo. I quilted in many details that are not in this picture.
Thank you to our sweet hostesses, Madame Samm and Wendy! Be sure you visit our other blogs on the hop today!
Sugarplum and her little friend send their wishes for a happy hop! (Can you tell she's chewing on the skeleton foot!? I had some cute props! I wonder if they gave the firemen a scare! If so, I'm so sorry, but what a story those firemen would have to tell!)
P.S. - Sugarplum is happy as can be in our temporary apartment! It happens to be over my parent's garage area and is connected to their house. Sugarplum thinks she rules the entire house now and even goes downstairs to make sure my parents are awake when we are! She stands on a trunk at the foot of their bed and makes mewing noises to tell them to get up! We are all doing fine and are getting lots of love from our family and friends here! My love to all of you who have sent prayers and well wishes our way! I can feel your hugs from here! |