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Friday, July 13, 2012

West Coast Vacation

I've been on the West Coast, visiting two of my three sons, my only two grandchildren and my wonderful daughter in law. They live miles apart - one family in the central California valley and the other in the Portland, Oregon area. We flew into San Francisco and rented a car. After a few days with the grandkids, we drove up to visit my other son for a few days before returning to California. 
First on our list was a visit to Multnomah Falls. You may have seen photos like this all over Pinterest. Here's one I took. It was a breathtaking view. 
 We stopped on the road to look out over the Columbia River. It was a little cloudy so you couldn't see the mountains very well, but the view was beautiful despite that!

 Here's a banana slug we saw along the trail. I thought he was beautiful in his own way and I was impressed with his size!!!

Bridal Veil Falls was nearby and was also beautiful!

The next day we headed for the coast, via the Tillamook Cheese Factory where we took the self guided tour and sampled the cheese! Then we drove along the coast, stopping at each little town to enjoy the beach.

The tide had gone out and this sea star and sea anemone were left in a small tidal pool. (Don't worry, we didn't disturb them!)

My husband caught a photo of me walking back from Haystack Rock. I appear to be studying something. Probably a pebble. (Who knows! I certainly don't remember.) This rock was in the movie "The Goonies" (from the 80's?). My boys used to watch it.

We tried to visit Voodoo Donuts, but the line wrapped around the block and we didn't have that much time!
At the Oregon Trail visitor's center I snapped this picture of a bee enjoying one of the many flowers in the Pioneer Garden. I thought it was fitting for the last picture in my post. 
I'll show you more later. Until then......
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  1. what lovely pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time

  2. lovely pics Linda and how lovely you got to see your 2 boys and your 2 precious grandies.xx

  3. Great family visit Linda... I so much enjoyed your tour with pic's :)

  4. I can't believe you did not call me when you were in town! hee hee....Glad you had a nice visit with your sons and family and saw the beauty of Oregon. The gorge is magnificent, breath taking actually....and the coast...Love it! My quilting buddy and my cousin who also quilts gather for a beach/quilt long weekend every once in awhile. The home owned by my friend is right on the beach just up from Haystack Rock. Never tire of the view. Next me! :) Oh...sorry about the line around Voodoo, it's always like that!

  5. Linda!
    Thank you so much for the pictures from Oregon! My DH and I grew up there and miss it even though we love it here in Texas.

  6. Linda!
    Thank you so much for the pictures from Oregon! My DH and I grew up there and miss it even though we love it here in Texas.

  7. Linda!
    Thank you so much for the pictures from Oregon! My DH and I grew up there and miss it even though we love it here in Texas.

  8. What an awesome vacation! Not only did you get to see family but you were able to visit some great spots. Both of those falls are on my to-visit list. Tillamook Factory sounds awesome! And if you get a chance to stop by VooDoo donut again, please do. It's worth the wait!

    Happy quilting!

  9. Hey Linda...been catching up after a few weeks!! Your trip pics are so fun to see. It is as if we are right there with you. and the anemonie and the star have been in the ocean all of my life and NEVER seen but one star fish!!

    Your house is lovely and yes, I like the paint.

  10. Wow Linda your pics are gorgeous!!!!! Someday I'll get out to the West Coast - I'd love to see all that for myself!

  11. Beautiful scenery, I've been to Oregon before and just loved it, especially along the ocean. That banana slug is neat!

  12. Lovely pictures! There are plenty of West Coast Vacation experiences that you and your readers may enjoy. The latest is called AirCruise and it's a week long West Coast tour experience via private plane. Check it out!


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