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Monday, July 16, 2012

First Time Seamstress!

 During my recent vacation, I had the opportunity to teach my daughter in law a little about sewing. She had never even sewn a button on before, so I was so proud of her for being so eager to learn. She made not only an apron, but a receiving blanket for a friend expecting a new baby. She also made a fleece blanket with tied edges. 
Those of us who learned to sew as children, or who had family members who sewed, don't realize how much easier it is for us to learn. We've seen the mechanics of it all. If you've never even seen anyone put a knot in the end of the thread, imagine how hard it can seem to be. 
My granddaughter has sewn with me several times before, so she is a little more advanced in her sewing skills. She made a pair of pajama shorts to match her flamingo bedroom. 
 She will be 10 years old in a little over a month. She may not know it now, but she will be at a big advantage over non-sewing friends when she goes off to college in the future! These little pajama pants are made of fleece. They were a great project for a beginner and they look adorable on her!

 And just so I don't leave him out, I have to tell a cute story on my grandson (aged nearly 5). We went to Macaroni Grill and when the waitress asked him what he wanted, he asked, "Do you have broccolli?" She said, "Sure!". They brought him his plate of broccoli and he ate it all! It is one of his favorite foods! (He is a real vegetable lover!) His mouth is full of green goodness in this photo!
 One more proud Nana photo.... My granddaughter is almost as tall as I am. (I'm only 5'2", but she is not even 10 yet! She's catching up fast. Fortunately, she doesn't have the muffin top I seem to be sporting in this photo. (Too much eating out on this trip!!!) I would have photo-shopped it out if I had been clever enough!

I've been busy finishing up a quilt that I will share with you soon. I'm part of a Christmas blog hop that will be held the end of the month. I'll give you more details later. 
Until next time......

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  1. Wonderful that your daughter-in-law is eager to learn to sew! Sounds like she's off to a great start! Congrats both of you! Your grandson is adorable and how awesome that he loves broccoli! You're right about your granddaughter having an advantage over her peers. My son, whom I taught to sew, can do his own mending while his friends try to get him to do theirs!


  2. What great pics, Linda. Pass the torch. I've taught my daughter everything except how to love it as much as I do. Be well. lane

  3. lovely post Linda and gorgeous grandies.xx

  4. What a joy to teach your granddaughter and DIL to sew! Don't be surprised if your grandson shows some interest in how that sewing machine works, too! Such an enjoyable post, Linda!

  5. How fun to be able to share the love of sewing with you DIL. Your Grand is so lucky to be close enough to learn so much at a young age, she might be the next designer we will all be buying from!!

  6. What a blessing to be able to pass on your knowledge and love of sewing! Your granddaughter did a lovely job on her shorts [love the flamingos]. Both grandchildren are so adorable!

  7. I've loved to sew since I was eight years old but neither my daughter or granddaughter have ever expressed a desire to learn. It's great that your DIL and granddaughter want to. You have some great looking grandkids.


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