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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's a Long Story!

 You notice I have no photos today. We returned last night from 2 weeks on the West coast, visiting family. Unfortunately, when dropping off our rental car at the San Francisco airport, we left the camera in the trunk! They are shipping it to us, but until then, all my pictures are in the camera. (My husband has some on his phone, but he had to go to work today.) The whole "airport thing" was pretty stressful, as usual. We were checking our bags when we noticed that the camera bag was not there. So, with tickets in hand, we ran back (actually climbed stairs, took a tram, climbed more stairs, and  found the rental companies lost and found - about 3 miles from where we needed to be in the airport it seemed. After waiting as long as we could for them to find the camera, we had to just leave to catch our flight. When we got through security, we had another long hike to our gate, the farthest one from the security check, which turned out to be only a point for catching another tram to another gate much farther away. We got there and found out our connecting flight in Las Angeles, was delayed. That was not a problem except that we were scheduled already to arrive in San Antonio a little after midnight. Then the flight TO Los Angeles was experiencing engine problems. The time passed and we eventually missed our connecting flight in Los Angeles. The airline put us up in a beautiful hotel there in San Francisco. (Remember, we had checked our bags, so I had no makeup or change of clothes. If you saw a dowdy looking lady in a swanky hotel, wearing no makeup, wrinkled jeans and shirt, and flip flops, it might have been me!) The next morning, we were greeted by a security check line so long they had to take some of us down to an employee check. We eventually got to our gate  (again via a tram caught at the farthest possible gate) and then home. I always get extremely stressed in an airport. My husband just laughs and smiles and takes it all in stride. (I'm going to be like him when I grow up!)
We had a great time visiting a son in Gresham, Oregon and another son in the central valley in California. We went from temperatures in the 100's here in Texas, to the 90's in California, to the 60's in Oregon. I gave sewing lessons to my daughter in law and granddaughter while I was there. It was so much fun! I'll post pictures of their projects when my husband has time to download them off his phone.
Although the airport experience left something to be desired, the trip as a whole was wonderful! 
Until next time.....when I am more rested and calm.....

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  1. Welcome home Linda! I haven't flown in years - YEARS - and I hated it then, I can just imagine what it's like now, lol. But at least you had a hotel room! So very glad you're going to get your camera back, and can't wait to see the pics!

  2. wow quite the adventure. Sounds like you need to put your feet up and relax for a bit

  3. Sorry it was so stressful, but thankfully they can ship your camera to you. I'll bet stuff like that happens a lot!! And, you had wonderful visits with your family. How nice!! I'll bet when you got to Oregon, you were cold!

  4. Oh MY!! Yes, please get rested up!! I haven't flown since all the security has been put in place and I really feel uncomfortable about it all!

    So glad you had a wonderful time. I look forward to some photos!

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. Pity it was so stressful getting to them.

  6. Glad you made it home safely and at least your camera will eventually get to you!!!

  7. boy i am stressed just reading about it,glad you are both back.xx

  8. Your camera wanted a little side trip on it's perhaps with MORE pic's to share! :)

  9. I am SO with you on the whole airport thing! I will spend 4 days on the road driving somewhere all to avoid the airport/air travel thing. Used to love to would prefer having a root canal or a colonoscopy!

    So glad you'll be getting your camera back and that you are home save and sound!

  10. Whew, got tired reading your post. Ive actually had my own airport experience coming back to the states and having to run to the opposite end of the airport to catch a flight. We all can learn from your dear hubby - he has a great attitude and we probably all need to laugh a bit more. And, if you never see your camera again - it's only stuff!

  11. Look forward to seeing your photos as soon as your camera arrives! Travel is fun, but creates a lot of stress.
    There's no place like home!

  12. I just go to the airport for a pat down. Relaxes me a lot! LOL


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