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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update on the House Painting

 A while back, I promised an update on the house painting. It was very windy then and we were having trouble getting the painting done as a result. Well, then the wind died, but with it came triple digit temperatures! It was 105 here yesterday! Not painting weather! We still have a little bit to finish, but not anything most people would notice. When the weather cooperates, we'll finish. Here are a few pictures of what we've done. 
I've posted before and after photos. Some of you will like the before better, but I just didn't like the pinkish cream with the rock color, which is mainly gold and rust. It doesn't matter. I don't think we would repaint it if we hated the color!

Before (we have started painting here on the side)




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  1. That's a big job, I do not envy you, but wow! your home is bee-utiful!

  2. You did a great painting job!

  3. It's beautiful Linda! I love the rock work and the paint sets it off quite nicely. Great job! (We painted our 2-story in Portland years ago, and believe me, I know what hard work you've put in to this!)

  4. oh wow what a difference!! It looks even more beautiful than before!

  5. That is a huge difference. I love the after. You all have done a great job. Stay cool.

  6. It all looks great Linda. I love the 'after'.

  7. It looks wonderful. I think that the new color does a great job of highlighting your house!!

  8. it looks great Linda and i also love the after,good job guys.xx

  9. Wow...what a difference warm colors make! I love it now!!! Beautiful! ♥♥♥

  10. What a lovely home! I think it would be beautiful in any colors you painted with ;)
    I hopped over from "Three Poodles & A Nanna". Your blog is fun, I'll be back.


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