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Friday, June 29, 2012

Quilting with Darla's Designs

This is my latest quilt. I used fabrics designed by my sister, Darla. The colors are a red-orange, lime green (chartreuse), black, white, and a touch of yellow. To me, the fabric brought thoughts of Mexican pottery, so I went with a festive theme with lots of border design. I appliqued the corner decorations. It is about 60" square - big enough to throw over the end of a bed, the back of a couch, or a sleeping husband or child. Who could be bored under a quilt like this? It might even be fun as a large wall hanging. Darla has about 70 designs now on Spoonflower. Here are the fabrics for Where the Green Fern Grows.

I'm thinking of naming it "Fiesta Ferns".
AND, she has finally made her first quilt! She used one of her Christmas panels and free motion quilted it.


You can read about her experience here! Her young grandchildren are all claiming this as theirs! They were astounded seeing the entire process of making a quilt from designing the fabric on paper, working with it on the computer, ordering it, receiving it in the mail, and then making a quilt out of it. It was a magical experience for them! Only time will tell what kind of impact that has had on them. 

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  1. Thanks, Linda. You are a great inspiration to me. I think the quilt turned out to be beautiful. You did great using my designs.

  2. Your quilt is beautiful and Darla's fabric designs are wonderful. I love the colors.

  3. Beautiful quilt and Darla's fabrics are so neat!

  4. wow Darla's fabric are stunning and your quilt is so beautiful!

  5. Oh yes, both quilts are quite lovely! I think yours is quite unusual, must be from that great fabric!

    Yippee for Darla's first quilt...she dun good!!!

  6. Love the panel your sister used! It looks wonderful... good enough to eat really! :)

  7. Linda reminded me to go and read your comments. You have all made my day with your wonderful flattering comments. You put a smile on my face! Thank you so much!

  8. Love the Fiesta quilt. It always helps when you have great fabrics to start with!!!

  9. That is one fabulous quilt, Linda! Whoop whoop!! And a big whoop to Darla, too, for her wonderful Christmas quilt!!

  10. Wow...I love both of the quilts. The colours are amazing in yours. Sending you oodles of love. xox

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt!! And you chose the perfect name for it---just a really gorgeous FUN quilt :) And no wonder the little ones all want the 'peppermint' candy quilt---just adorable :D

  12. Gorgeous, gorgeous quilt!! And you chose the perfect name for it---just a really gorgeous FUN quilt :) And no wonder the little ones all want the 'peppermint' candy quilt---just adorable :D

  13. Absolutely remarkable! The fabric and patterns should be in shops for us to purchase, please!


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