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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Winner is.....

Using the Random Number generator, the winner of the My Memories Suite from my giveaway is number 4, Mary Ann! Congratulations, Mary Ann! I will be sending you the code for your free program. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
 (I've contacted Mary Ann by email.)
Many thanks to everyone who participated! I wish you could ALL be winners. You can still get the program at a discount using the code I gave you. 
I'll be posting Tuesday, May 22, with a cute little tutorial , so be sure and "tune in"! I had it written and lost it all when there was some type of glitch, so I need to write it all out again. :(  
It might be late morning before it's up.

Until then.....
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1 comment:

  1. I received the news while recooperating from surgery and did it ever cheer me up! Thank you very much!!


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