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Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Garden Inspiration

Purple Heart, red begonia, roses

 Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend! If you live in the United States, have a great Memorial Day!

I'm sprucing up my garden this weekend. I LOVE Mexican pottery and I put two birdbaths in my yard yesterday. One in the front, and one in the back.
Sago palms, Cinco de Mayo roses
 This post has nothing to do with quilting, but everything to do with my love of color, which greatly influences my quilting! Here are a few shots of my garden. (It is already in the low 90's here during the day!)
Knockout roses, chrysanthemums, and African daisies 

Cape Plumbago
 I will stop there, but I still haven't shown you my red-orange zinnias, my yellow/red/orange lantana, my orange Denver's Dream miniature roses, ......oh, I could go on. I even have orange bougainvillea. Can you tell I love color? Now you know why I avoid quilting with the somber colors like brown. I think we tend to use the colors that make us happy! 
I'll post on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday here) about a tool you can make that will make choosing a background for your applique much easier!
Until then......

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  1. Love seeing the flowers...nothing like colour in a garden.

  2. wow Linda you have a gorgeous garden and i love those bird baths.xx

  3. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. I can breathe in the fresh fragrances in my imagination.

  4. Your garden looks so pretty. It was interesting to see chrysanths growing in those temperatures. Here in the UK they flower in the autumn, when it is very much cooler.

  5. wow what a lovely garden!! Everything is so pretty!

  6. Linda, I love your bird baths! And your flowers are gorgeous, makes me want to bring my cup of tea to seat a spell for a visit.

  7. What a lovely yard, LInda! I admire your applique very much...wish that I enjoyed doing it more.


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