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Monday, May 21, 2012

Last Day of Giveaway!

 If you have not commented on the giveaway post, HERE, you have until 10:00 tonight CST to be entered for the giveaway! You have a good chance since there are not that many comments! Please leave your comments and check out this great software program! I will be choosing a winner and they will receive a free download that they can use for more than just scrapbooking! I had so much fun printing off quilt labels with photos and embellishments. I also made several gift cards and thank you notes decorated with photos of my quilts. 
So, be sure and leave your comments (you have 2 chances) and come back tomorrow for a great little tutorial!
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You can leave your comment here! (I'm so sorry, but if you are an Anonymous commenter, your comment will not publish. This is because of the huge amounts of spam that I have received from anonymous sources.)