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Monday, August 1, 2011

First Day of Contest and Latest Quilt

 I have been working on a sample quilt using my Halloweensy Spider pattern.(I was crunched for time and just hung it from my shelves in the sewing room - not a particularly attractive way to display a quilt, but at least you can see it!) The spider web in the center is beaded with tiny mirrored beads. The fabric has touches of the pink throughout, although you don't see much in the photo.

Detail of spider in center panel. I used one of the faces from the fabric.

I added a fly in the upper left hand corner. She is caught in a quilted spider web and like in the old movie, "The Fly", she is crying, "Help me! Help me!" (I just couldn't resist.) Her face is also taken from the fabric. 

So....that's the only quilting I've done lately although I have made pin cushions, bags for tutorials, and I've put together a new quilting room. 
Now I'm anxious to get in there and work on a new design!
P.S.- Remember:

Today is the first day of the Wantabe Quilter contest. Go to Stash Manicure and leave comments to be entered. If you are a "wantabe" quilter, you don't have much in the way of supplies and are not a seasoned quilter, you will comment on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. Each of those days is a new prize and a new chance to win! When you leave your comment, be sure to say  "Linda of Buzzing and Bumbling sent me" and I will have a chance to win if you win. If you are an experienced quilter, you will do the same thing, except on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. Prizes will be all types of things from thread or fabric to sewing machines!If you haven't signed up with a blog sponsor, send me an email with your name, email address, and phone number (which will be kept private) and I will see that you are signed up!
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  1. What a great Halloween quilt! I love it and love how you used the face on the spider and fly! Too fun! :)
    xx, shell

  2. What cute characters! I don't know which I like best - the spider or the fly. Very cool!

  3. That is an AWESOME quilt! Good job girl!

  4. whow Linda that is unreal,well done

  5. I think you did an amazing job on that quilt! Very talented! I just love how you did that spiderweb.

  6. what a truly artistic quilt. I've a terrible fear of spiders, but I do appreciate your artistry!

  7. What a great little quilt! I really like how you added the faces. Such a work of art :)

  8. I don't usually like spiders, but this one is actually cute!

  9. I love the colorway you chose for this version! Awesome job!!

  10. My Gosh, what a quilt!!! I love it Linda, but I must admit, even though I have seen the old Vincent Price version of " The Fly " many times, as I look at your quilt, I'm feeling just a little sorry and nervous for the poor little fly, LOLOL. Believe me when I say I do no like flies, but still...the 'Help Me', 'Help Me' tugs at my heart strings just a bit. *wink* Hugs and Blessings. Now I'm on my way over to Stash Manicure and I will be sure to tell them you sent me!!!

  11. Great JOB!!! I think the faces are marvelous!

  12. I love your quilt - I have seen the fabric in our LQS but your design is much better.

  13. LOL! I just love the faces on the spider and the fly! Terrific!

  14. Awesome spider top--very lively bunch!! Your creativity soared with this one quite well.

  15. You are just soooo creative! This is certainly going to be 'spooktacular'!!!!!

  16. Love your quilt...what fun!!! Yes...Autumn is just around the corner...I love the feel of the weather changing.

    Thank you for visiting me the other day...I love your vision of your dream garden...PERFECT in everyway.

    Happy weekend. xoxoxox

  17. That's a GREAT quilt -- I Halloween quilts. And that pink border adds such a great dash of color!

  18. Linda, that is such a great Halloween quilt! Whoop whoop!!

  19. I am loving this! Oh the angst on the fly's face! Wonderful!
    I bought some Ghastlies awhile back and I just don't know what to do with them. You have made me realize that I should be thinking outside the box.

  20. What a fun quilt! You're so creative! Love it! :)

  21. Amazing quilt! I just love the way you've used faces from the fabric for the spider and fly. VERY cool. I never would have thought to do that.

  22. Your Ghastlie quilt is adorable! I love the spider. Very clever.

  23. This quilt is beautiful, I love your creativity!
    Using the Ghastlie characters faces for the spider and fly are great!


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