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Monday, August 8, 2011

A New Design and Blogging Friends

I'm going to spend the day with my sister and her artist friends doing batik. I will be sure and take a lot of pictures and post them for you, so come back tomorrow to see how we did!
This is my latest pattern. It is called Folk Art Chickens (with a Fabric Chalkboard).
Can't find chalkboard fabric? No worries. The pattern tells you how to make your own! This pattern is not on my website yet, but if you're interested, just send me an email and I can ship you one. It is about 20" wide and 30" long and uses fat quarters and scraps (except for the back). Just think - you can keep your grocery list on a quilt!

 I want to send a special thank you to  Mary Ann of RocknQuilts, who has listed me along with 9 others as "a blogger who brightens her day".Thank you so much, Mary Ann!! What a sweet "long distance" friend she has become. You will certainly want to check out her blog. We've never seen each other face to face, but have chatted on the phone and exchanged emails. This is certainly a different world today than it was just a few years ago. I've met many new friends through the blogging world.

The last "order of business" today is that it's not too late for you to sign up to win in the Wantabe Quilter contest. If you are not yet a quilter, you have 3 chances a week to win. If you are already a quilter, you can still have 2 chances a week to win! You need a blog sponsor, which I would be very happy to do! Just send you name, email, and phone number (so you can be contacted if you win) and I will submit it. You can check out the site by clicking on the Wantabe Quilter button on my sidebar. 
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1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your wall hanging with the black board! Is there a secret little place to store the chalk?


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