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Thursday, July 28, 2011

My New Quilting Studio

Well, this is my new space so far. It's not really green! It is turquoise! Getting a picture pointed toward this window was challenging for me, so the lighting is not quite right.  I can't promise I won't make changes and additions in the next few weeks as I learn how to work in this room. I have reused the shelves and cabinets from my old room, but because it is more visible from the main living area, I put most of my fabric in plastic tubs for a neater look. (It wouldn't all fit, and since I couldn't find tubs to fit between the narrower shelf above the other tubs, I have some folded fabric there. 
I've put my vintage button cards above the window along with my Great-Grandmother's and Grandmother's aprons. The little stool is also a vintage item. The wooden ironing board was handed down to me and was from the 1940's. 

I mounted my hardware drawers  on the wall to get them off my cabinets. They hold all my embroidery floss.The space left at the end of the cabinets was perfect for this because it didn't interfere with opening the closet doors. The little step stool is a necessity because I am only 5'2". 

      Here is a view of the room taken from the window side. The opposite side of the room is not finished yet. I have my sewing machine cabinet there, but still need a cutting table and a place for some of my office equipment. Hopefully, that will happen soon! 
So, that's my room as it is today! I can't wait to start working in it, but I have a mess now in the rest of the house that I have to clean up.  (yuck!)
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  1. Linda

    Very nice!! Your room is very clean, neat and organized and it looks like a very happy place to sew. I hope you can keep up with keeping it neat!!

    Happy sewing


  2. What a great space! I'll bet you'll love sewing there!

  3. Oh looks wonderful...would you like a job doing my room???? Very nice for looks so fresh.

  4. It is coming along nicely! Great display of aprons and buttons. Worried about the larger totes on top shelf. Hope you getting help when you take them down! :)

  5. What a great creative space - you are getting it like you want. Enjoy. Judy C in NC

  6. Linda it's just beautiful! I'm wondering if you have under-shelf lights under those shelves? I have a similar arrangement and found it to be really dark on the counter top. I love the idea of your hardware drawers for your embroidery floss! blessings, marlene

  7. Lovely sewing room Linda. I love that you've displayed your Great Grandmother and Grandmother's aprons.

  8. What a lovely space. Looks like you have plenty of storage. I especially like the artfully arranged personal items that make it "you." I know you'll enjoy it!

  9. What a wonderful space! I love how you have hung up your button collections and the vintage aprons. It looks like such an inviting room :)

  10. This is one awesome room! Have fun and enjoy. You did a great job.

  11. what a great room to work in Linda it looks fantastic,well done

  12. Seriously cool work space! Looks lovely and very pleasant to work in!

  13. It's so beautiful!!!!! I LOVE the color - and the organization - and especially those aprons on the wall, wow!

  14. WOW! Room looks absolutely gorgeous!!!

  15. Whoop! Whoop! *Love* your new sewing space - the color is wonderful and the aprons and buttons look terrific around the window. Well done.

  16. WOnderful creative room! I thought I was the only one with that much floss. Just love it!

  17. Such a beautiful room!! Aprons are adorable:)

    Stop by my blog for a giveaway if you like at

  18. Beautiful room! Love the color and your are so organized!

  19. Oh my goodness... I am a little jealous, it turned out FABULOUS!! I love how you displayed the vintage buttons and aprons!


  20. AMAZING!!!! I love it!!! You should come and set my studio up... what time will you be here?

    Have a great weekend!!! I posted big news today...
    and email me and let me know how Creations went!

  21. Awesome~! Clean, neat, organized, a place for everything and everything in it's place. I love sleek and tidy. If you are like me, I find it's hard to work in chaos. Love all the wire shelving and plastic storage tubs. Best part is your vintage buttons and aprons. Love it. Enjoy~!

  22. Your sewing space is lovely! I adore the color and the built in cabinets are great!

  23. Wow, Linda, what a great work space!!! No telling what you'll be creating in there!! Whoop whoop!!

  24. What a wonderful room! Congratulations on your finish & surrounding yourself with heirlooms! Whoop Whoop!

  25. Love it! Can't wait to see what you'll do next!

  26. Wow Linda, I love your room...adore what you have done with the buttons! Isn't it funny though, that every single time we fix a room up, when it is all finished, we can't even WALK through other rooms in the house! Somehow everything we took out of the other room to fix it up, got dumped somewhere else in the house so now we have to clean before we can enjoy the room we started on!!! I hope that by now you are thoroughly enjoying your new room and we will be seeing wonderful creations popping out everywhere. Hugs...

  27. Somehow what I wrote just disappeared, darn! I really like your sewing space and the color, wished I could go with a bold color in my space! Looks like a creative space! Go have a look, you won my giveaway this morning!

  28. OH IF this was in MY house ; I don't think I'd ever leave ; looks GREAT!

  29. Just popping by as I saw your comment on Emma's 'It's all about the fabric' blog... the walls of your studio are exactly the same as mine :) good taste! hope you are enjoying it, it looks fab! Jenny x

  30. Wow. Love your new sewing room. That's the color my daughter painted her bedroom. So bright and cheerful.


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