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Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Sister, Darla, and Her Fabric Designs

One of the little bags made from Darla's submitted Design a Bag pattern
My sister, Darla, is guest blogging here today. She is only 3 1/2 years younger than me, and living only 4 miles away. What adventures we would have if we were rich and retired! She has recently gotten "hooked" on Spoonflower. See what she has to say about it and be sure to go to Spoonflower and vote! I'm voting for her!!!

 I guess it was inevitable that I would get into fabric design.   Some of my earliest memories are of Linda and me playing at our mother’s feet while her machine was humming along.  I can remember when she got her “new” Kenmore sewing machine.  She was so proud of it.  She made us Poodle skirts and petticoats.  Well, that was back in the 50’s.
You can just imagine growing up with Linda as your older sister.  She was prettier, she was smarter and she had all the talents and she had boobs!…and in case, you don’t know it; Linda means beautiful and Darla doesn’t mean anything.  So that is where I am coming from. (Note from Linda! This is totally untrue! All of it, except the meaning of our names!)
Darla on left, Linda on right (about ages 6 and 9)
My fabric design Crafty Ladies (that is Linda and me)
I did finally outgrow my complex and overcame my shyness and even decided to try my hand at art.  In fact, I got my bachelors degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in drawing.  Then I got certified in Secondary Art and have been teaching for nearly 20 years. (She also got a Master's degree in Informational Technology, so she is my go-to person for anything computer related. It is SO easy for her!)
I love what I do but I am guilty of moaning and complaining a little about not having time to do it all those cool things Linda is doing.  Linda’s passion is quilting and she is really good at it but her true passion is in the creation of the quilts.  When I began to learn how to do watercolor I was hooked and painting became my passion.  Now years later on the threshold of retirement I can envision having some time to be more creative.  In the last year or so Linda  has mentioned the Spoonflower website, a site for independent fabric designers to upload their designs to make fabric. Recently, Linda mentioned it at exactly the right moment and I went exploring.  I uploaded a drawing I had done as a demonstration for my high school art students, not one I had ever intended to make into fabric so it was just an adventure to me. 
It arrived in the mail!!!  You know, something happens to you when you see your design on a piece of fabric...I carried it around with me.  I stopped people on the street, in parking lots, took it to school with me, showed it to all of my students…I was beyond excited!  But fabric design is not just like painting in watercolor.  There is more to know and luckily I have technical skills in Photoshop.  I purchased A Field Guide to Fabric Design by Kimberly Kight and set out to make designs with fabric in mind.  In fact, when Linda suggested I be her guest blogger I had already thought about asking if she would like me to be.  You see, sisters support each other like a good bra. 
My entry for the contest
(The fabric is printed in the shape of the pattern. How easy is that! -Linda)
Spoonflower sponsors weekly contests. Tuesday was the deadline to enter a design-a-bag contest.  I thought about the bag and had no time to work on it.  During church Sunday morning I looked down at my purse, and an idea hit me….I know, Squirrel!  I got distracted!  By Monday afternoon, I had it planned, drawn out and all that was left was to make up the prototype.  Linda and I had coffee together and I made up the purse in less than an hour and that included the rip out time when I did not ease in the bias on the corner.  I think I inspired her last blog.

 So go, explore and while you are there take a look at the bag contest.  My bag will be the purple one shown here.  Feel free to pick your favorites and cast a vote.  Read the directions on Spoonflower for how to cast your vote.  You may vote for as many as you would like. 

One of the features Spoonflower offers is a shop for the designers which can make the fabric available to the public.  Check out my shop.   I don't sleep anymore.  I sneak downstairs and design!

So this is what all the fun is about!

Thanks,  for hosting me, Linda.  I owe you!
 (Hmmm.......that's tempting!)
(Darla on left, Linda on right) Christmas morning
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  1. lovely post and very interesting Darla.xx

  2. Love the sisterhood and Darla means Beloved. Love D.s arty fabric.
    Hugs. Tina in San Diego.

  3. Love the comment that you made about being prettier, smarter and "had boobs". Too funny. Now you can tell Linda (and then nominate her) for the Versatile Blogger Award. I nominated YOU!

  4. GREAT post and great fabric, and great bag - I voted, it's charming!!

  5. Thank you, Linda for indulging me. Re:Tina, I'm so glad to learn my name means something finally after all these years. It could have saved my feelings long ago. Re: Kathy, thanks, I finally got my own. To all of you, thank you for your sweet comments.

  6. Great, Now I will have 'The day the squirrel went berserk' in my head ALL DAY LONG!!! Yes, I do sometimes pick up on the smallest of details and that is what sticks in my head!! But great post and I do love the bag (we where jumpin pews and shouting hallelujah) ...

  7. Great post from your sister! Beautiful fabric and bag!!

  8. How exciting for you both! Darla can design and Linda can create quilt designs with Darla's fabrics - I look forward to seeing lots more from you "Crafty Ladies"! By the way, be sure you let Marcus Fabrics know about your designs - they're stunning and I want to buy them!!!

  9. What a great post - and I love that bag! blessings, marlene

  10. I ever impressed!!! little sis, you have plenty of talent NOW!!!!
    And now you know that small boobs are best as we get older...hehehehe


  11. Great guest post!! I wish I lived so close to my sister!! I am always interested in new sites, so thanks for the spoonflower link. BTW, the last photo you put into your post? You look just like me when I was that age!! It was kind of spooky when I first glimpsed it. Like seeing double!! Have a great day! ~karen

  12. great blog...
    here you will get more idea about fabric designs and buy ribbon online...have a great day..


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