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Monday, November 21, 2011

Winter Scene Quilt

 I made this little wallhanging about 3 years ago.Using scraps from my scrap box, I started with a background, ironed fusible webbing to my fabric, and cut out shapes to fill the scene. I ironed them on where I wanted them, but then sewed around their edges. I might add more this year, if I have a free moment or two! I can think of several things I would like to add. It might be fun to let the children cut out some tiny shapes, too! This little quilt is 42" x 32 1/2".  

This is an extremely busy week with Thanksgiving on Thursday,  my mother's birthday on Friday, and my daddy having cataract surgery on Tuesday.  I have food to make for different occasions on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm working frantically on finishing the Little Red Riding Hood quilt, but I'm not sure I will finish this week. I wish I could say that things will calm down after this week, but the busy holiday season is just getting underway! 
If I don't have another chance, let me tell my U. S. friends Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully, this is not something we do only once a year!!!

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  1. Love the winter scene cute! Looks like a work of love!

  2. Oh my!! your It is really lovely.

  3. Great idea, add-a-long wall hanging! It is wonderful.

  4. what a beautiful wall hanging! it looks like a painting. Great work!

  5. I am SO IN LOVE with this quilt...Oh Linda it is perfect! What a gorgeous piece. I may have to try something like this!
    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you get everything done, and that your dad's surgery goes well. My mum's had it done twice and what a blessing. Happy Birthday to your mum [my hubby's birthday is Thursday, eek]!

  6. What a lovely wall hanging! Maybe one day I'll try doing something like that.

  7. That quilt is just gorgeous! Love it and can't believe all the work in it! good luck with the business, hopefully you snatch a few minutes to relax here and there!

  8. What a fabulous winter scene. The trees look so fiddly but all those little branches are so effective. Such a good idea to add to it. Happy birthday to your mum and best wishes for your dad's surgery. It should make a big difference for him. Happy Thanksgiving and make sure you find some time to sit down and have a cup of tea :)

  9. Amazing and inspiring quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Such a cute little quilt :) Reminds me of childhood and home.

  11. Oh Linda, this little quilt is completely amazing! I'm sorry I have been MIA here for a while, I hope you are not feeling any lingering ill effects from the shingles. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, just couldn't find you in my computer...*sigh*, a long, silly story, (a senior moment story) for another day. Tomorrow I will be very busy, like so many of us this week so I wanted to stop by and wish you a joyous and blessed Thanksgiving day. Gentle Hugs...

  12. Oh MY! This little piece is just w-a-y too wonderful!!!


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