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Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Little Like Christmas!

 I've started putting up my Christmas decorations. My husband has lights on the outside of the house and I now have the tree up. I usually put several trees up, so this is only the first. I'm not sure I will keep it like this, but I've been missing snow. It doesn't snow here except on very rare occasions, so I put snow on my tree. I plan to add more snowflake ornaments, but I have to buy more first. I also think I will sprinkle sparkly artificial snow over the tree. I haven't put anything on the top of the tree yet because I need a ladder to do that and my husband was using the ladders while putting the lights up!

 I put cardinals in several places around the tree. One of my fondest snow memories is from when we lived in Georgia. I had a very large window in my kitchen that looked out over a deck. It had snowed and the deck was covered in a layer of white. I kept a bird feeder there and enjoyed watching them come and go. Because of the snow, I had sprinkled a couple of handfuls of sunflower seeds over the snow earlier. I was busy in the kitchen and looked out in time to see at least a dozen cardinals gather on the deck to eat sunflower seeds. It was one of those "magical" moments for me.

 I have a wonderful painting in my entryway that is "on loan" from my sister. I added a dove to the globe to tie into the tree with birds and to symbolize "Peace on Earth".  I enjoy setting up little vignettes that tell a story. 

I'll show you more later, but I haven't really finished much more than this. I still have an entire village to set up, for instance! 
Until next time, have a wonderful holiday season!

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  1. I really like how you decorate. It looks beautiful!

  2. Linda, your tree is lovely! I'm thinking I'll start decorating for Christmas this weekend...Mine is usually very minimal since the kids left home. But I enjoy what I do put up.

  3. Wow! You are getting an early start. The tree is looking good. I love the cardinal decoration.

  4. Gorgeous tree and great cardinal memory - i used to love feeding them when we lived in Connecticut!

  5. BEAUTIFUL!!! If you'd like to come visit, we're supposed to get snow Wednesday....happy to trade with you, I don't think I'd miss it, lol!


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