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Friday, November 4, 2011

Last Day of the Ghastlie Blog Hop and Winner of My Giveaway!

Today is the last day of the Ghastlie Blog Hop! Thank you so much for the wonderful responses to my post yesterday! I also thank you for helping me to reach my goal of 300 followers and to go a little over that! What wonderful friends you all are! Apart from the Day 9 winner of the blog hop (click on the Ghastlie logo on the sidebar to check on the winner, announced by Madame Samm), the winner of MY giveaway, the chef's apron on the left, (chosen by Random Number Generator) was Carolyn:
Carolyn said...
YAY I'm a follower and you are over your 300 mark! woohooo! I am just blown over by all of your wonderful Ghastlie ideas!! Love the aprons, your quilt, just everything. This blog hop has been so fun. I'm glad it's going to be a yearly thing! I would love to enter your giveaway, too!Thanks for the chance!   I'll be contacting her by email for a mailing address.  But you still have a chance to win a great prize! Comment on each of the blogs on the hop today and get a chance to win one of these great prizes:                                              DAY 10 Giveaways                            
                                              Jodi from Forth Worth Fabric Studio
sent along this lovely package of Ghastlies
I think it was 5 collections...lots' of yardage
                                                                                      Velocity 50 from Reliable                                    
  Here are the blogs for today! Be sure to visit each one and leave a comment !       
                                             Mrs Nan Ghastlie  
                                      Mrs. Gmama Jane Ghastlie 
                                             Mrs Joan Ghastlie
                                          Mrs. Nancy Ghastlie 
                                             Ms Susan Ghastlie 
                                             Madame Ghastlie


  1. Glad to see you made it well over 300!

  2. Congratulations! I know you are excited about your numbers. Congrats to Carolyn for winning the chefs apron, which is awesome, by the way. Love your blog. Keep up the great job!

  3. First... Great job on all your creations! I love them all! Such a great idea! Congrats to the winner!


You can leave your comment here! (I'm so sorry, but if you are an Anonymous commenter, your comment will not publish. This is because of the huge amounts of spam that I have received from anonymous sources.)