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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ghastlie Blog Hop - Today's My Day!!!

I'm a hostess today on the Ghastlie Blog Hop! Welcome! I want to show you a way to use the Ghastlie fabric line from Alexander Henry in a way that is not connected with Halloween. Do you have a friend with a "milestone" birthday coming up? How about a Ghastlie birthday party? 
Or maybe a friend or coworker is leaving? Or you're hosting the book club and the month's selection is a murder mystery or thriller?

I started with a tablecloth. I made chalkboard fabric (tutorial is coming soon!) and edged it with Ghastlie fabric. I can write on the tablecloth the names of the foods I serve or leave messages for the honoree! Guests could leave little messages too! I think the grandkids would LOVE this!
Then I made a doll using the knitting aunts as inspiration! She's trying to rest up and read a good book before the party, but as you can see,this spider just won't leave her alone!

I also made a hostess apron using "leftover" fabric.( Didn't have a model so I had to use an overturned chair! Not very slim and beautiful, but it worked!) I also made two hot pads from scraps.
And, because you were nice enough to visit me and leave a comment, you will be entered in the giveaway for today as well as for MY giveaway - a Ghastlie chef's apron! (Are you a Ghastlie cook?) Again, my model the chair was kind enough to step in.
On a previous post, I showed you a quilt made from Ghastlie fabric. You can see it  here

So leave a comment and visit my sister blogs today. You don't have to follow, but I would love to have you!! I would really love to reach 300 followers! 
Here are today's blogs:


  1. Hello! I absolutely love your doll! She is fabulous! You did an awesome job! Your other projects are great too! Can't wait for that chalkboard fabric tutorial! I'm a new follower! Hope you reach your 300 soon! I'm just trying to reach 100! lol! :) Have a Ghastlie Day! :)

  2. I have to say that I just looooooove your Ghastlie doll! You really hit the nail on the head with the doll. :) Love your table cover chalkboard, can't wait to see how you did that with the tutorial your going to post. :)

    Thanks so much for the share! :)

    Please enter me in both giveaways, thanks!!

  3. Wow, Linda, what a ghastlie good time all those suggestions are for your ghastlie inspiration projects! I think they're all great, but heck, that doll is just too danged fun! Great job!

  4. That is the most amazing spider!!!! Such detail. Also loved the doll, what a face. You are unbelievable. I will be following you.

  5. I love your doll Linda. How ghastlie is the look on her face!

  6. What a darling doll! I love this fabric. What a fun blog hop, thanks.~a

  7. Oh a Ghastlie apron for a Ghastlie party!, of course I will follow so I can learn from you

  8. Your doll is gorgeously ghastlie !
    Love the aprons, too.
    New GFC follower: #268

  9. I'm a new follower, good luck on 300! What a Ghastlie doll, LOVE the hair. You're very creative, thanks for the inspiration. Would be thrilled to win your giveaway. Happy hopping! ;-> Toni Anne

  10. Oh what a wonderful doll to be with the Ghastlie collection of fun you have laid out for us. Yes, she does do the Ghastlie sisters proud! What a clever table cloth - but my guests might not leave to kind a message with my cooking. Love both aprons and how wonderful your chair volunteered to be your Ghastlie model. Thank you for sharing your inspiration with all os us today.

  11. I Love the apron... what a fantastic idea. I'll make myself one for next halloween for sure...that's if I don't WIN yours!!!
    Fingers Crossed! :)

  12. I love all of your Ghastlie projects - especially the doll! I would love to win your apron so please count me in your giveaway!

  13. What excellent ideas. Please enter me in your give away. I love all things Ghastlie.

  14. Im following you, hope u get to the 300 :O) and please enter me for the giveaways thanks very much

  15. The knitting aunts are something else. Love your ghastlie work and now you have one more follower

  16. Partee on! What a clever way to share the Ghastlies. Your doll is magnificent! I shall be checking in on your blog now!

  17. That is such a clever idea for special occasions.

    I also love the doll and spider scene. Brilliant.

  18. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH a GHASLTIE doll---MRs Linda Ghastlie.. a dOLL...I was just saying nobody made a doll...and YOURS it is amazing...simply gorgeous, the satin dress, cape...YOU captured AUNTIE to a T....what else did you make????? lol
    The doll...I am captured by your doll...MRS LINDA...Absolutely amazing...down right amazing...xx

  19. oh yes Aprons and table cloth..but YOUR DOLL...that is all I have to say you have a DOLL lol

  20. That quilt with the beaded web...A.MA.ZING!! Oh and I love the pink apron...I like all your projects but those are the two that spoke to me! Thanks for the chance to win that other apron. Have a great Ghastlie day!

  21. WOW! Amazing projects,luv them all.Thanks for sharing :)

  22. I loved your tablecloth and the idea is so unique. The doll and the spider are so well done. I would love to win an apron or any prize of the Ghastlies. Thank you.

  23. Great ideas and I do love your doll. She is quite ghastlie wonderful.

  24. That doll is Ghastlie! I think the Ghastlie themed party and accoutrement is a great (and Ghastlie) idea.

  25. Nice projects! Sew different, I love the idea of a chalkboard tablecloth! I would love to be entered into your drawings also! Ms. Carrie Ghastlie

  26. That doll is a hoot! Love her and your great ideas about the special events parties! Such a great idea. I will follow your blog! The chalkboard tablecloth does sound like a great idea - especially for kids or those of us who don't want to grow up! Thank you so much for sharing.

  27. Love that doll, thanks for your giveaway chance :)

  28. I love all your projects. But I have to agree with everyone else that your doll is fantastic. What a great idea for the tablecloth too. Can't wait for the tutorial and I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Wow! That doll is amazing. And the tablecloth using the chalkcloth is a excellent idea. How fun for guests to be able to write little notes to you that you might not even see until after they've left. What fun that could be.

    You are so creative in the use of the faces from the fabric and even in using an upside down chair to hold the aprons. What a great idea and certainly one I would not have thought to do. But, hey, it worked right?

    The hostess apron is beautiful with that pink fabric. And the chefs apron is something I would love to have for my own. Great job on all your creations. I went to take a peek at your quilt and was in awe of the little spider and fly faces. Wow. SO creative and just super cute.

  30. That doll is amazing! I love the idea of a tablecloth! What a great way to show off the Ghastlies. Thanks for sharing .


    uschbear at gmail dot com

  31. the doll is awesome. but oh my. you matched the pocket on the cook's apron. great work.

  32. Hello Linda, I can't believe it is almost over....thank you for this blog hop...has been so much fun. I love love your doll...and is all adoroable.

  33. Hmmmm. Who do I know that is having a milestone birthday soon? Great idea. Thanks. I love all your Ghastly projects and I totally agree that the doll is amazing.

  34. Gotta love pink and black. Love the apron and I am a following - on to 300 girlfriend. Your doll and kitchen accessories are way too cool.

  35. Love your projects. I took a peek at your quilt and loved it. Thanks for sharing your Ghastlie projects and the great giveaway.

  36. Thanks for the chance. I love this!

  37. What wonderfully Ghastlie ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  38. Ohh a chalk table cloth is a really great idea, congrats on coming up with that. I follow you now as i want to learn more. Doll is amazing. Love those pink apron pockets. Thanks for sharing your projects and gifts.

  39. What a wonderful idea for the Ghastlie fabric! It's not just for Halloween anymore. Absolutely love the doll!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway, too!

  40. You are unique in your ideas - so creative in the use of the fabric. Love them all. I am a new follower.

  41. Love the Ghastlie Doll and your ideas for a Ghastlie party. Your ideas are so creative. Love to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks.

  42. Love that quilt with the spider! And your ghastlie party table rocks! I'd love to be a Ghastlie hostess and wear that apron...thanks for the chance to win!

  43. The doll and spider are greatness! The apron is pretty too. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Your projects are wonderful and I'm so inspired by your ideas. The spider and fly on your quilt are great! Thanks for the chance to win an apron too. Just what I need for hosting a ghastly party.

  45. Adorable!! and... Happy birthday! What fun to have your party with the Ghastlies!

  46. Your Ghastlie doll is to die for! I love the use of the chalkboard fabric too - I have seen it around and wondered what I could do with it - cute idea with the tablecloth!
    Thanks for sharing!

  47. I love all your projects and they are perfect for a milestone birthday. The look on the doll's face is priceless. I think the spider will be afraid of her. Would love to win your apron. SOmetimes I think I am a ghastlie cook!

  48. What a fun idea for a party. I appreciate that tut about the tablecloth. I haven't used the chalkboard fabric. Sound most interesting. Love your doll. She is so elegant. And your scrap projects. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and talents. Enjoyed my visit. I'll follow.

  49. That doll is a total Ghastlie delight!!! Oh my oh my! It looks just perfect :)

  50. LOVE the DOLL! I would never have thought of that - I like the "fancy" apron too. What a fun birthday idea!

  51. I can hardly wait to see your tutorial on the chalkboard fabric - what a perfect idea! And that doll, oh my goodness what a ... well, doll. :) The aprons are just over the top, but since I collect aprons I would be over the top too if I'd thought to make one, or won one! blessings, marlene

  52. Jumped in to follow! Thank you for joining in on the blog hop! You Ghastlie ladies have all been so clever!!

  53. Your projects are so cute! I snuck a look at your Ghastlie quilt too and it's adorable!!! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  54. A Ghastly party theme??? Hmmm... very clever. The Ghastly doll is outstanding! You get an A+ for that one. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs from Mary

  55. What fun ideas! I love them! Thank you for sharing.

  56. Fun non Halloween use of the fabric. I think I'll make myself a birthday quilt...

  57. Love the Ghastly doll - and the rest of your projects! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  58. I am definitely a Ghastlie Cook, so the apron is a perfect fit for me...
    I really would like that tutorial of the blackboard table cloth....

  59. OMGosh!!! I LOVE all of it!!! All of it is just Ghastlie!

  60. What a fun idea! I'm looking forward to the blackboard table cloth tutorial.

  61. Aren't you imaginative.. Ghastlie fabric used not Halloween-ie! Please enter me in your drawing!!

  62. You are absolutely too clever! What a great idea!!! I love all your wonderful creations and would love to win the chef's apron.
    Mrs. Gmama Jane Ghastlie

  63. Wow! You are so creative. I can't decide which project is my favorite. Love the adorable doll! The chalkboard tablecloth is a wonderful idea. The aprons are charming. I took a peek at your lovely quilt, too. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the Ghastlies. You brought them to life!

  64. The doll is to die for! It makes me think of those who like steampunk and how this fabric would work for that too! I like how you positioned her to look right AT that spider!

    Hope to win a prize here! But I guess I am in good company with all the other prize-winner wannabes! lol

  65. I LOVE that doll, and I am now following you!

  66. I love ALL of your projects! But, I must say I favor your doll and the way she is looking at that spider....

  67. WOW I am truly impressed! The doll is unreal!! Everything is unreal! Wait - you "make" the chalkboard fabric?! I can't wait to see the tut you promised!! And the chef's apron - how cute is that?! Do we get a chance to win the chair too?! lol Thanks for sharing all your ghastlies!! OH - I'm now a follower!! Yeah!!

  68. Cool party theme ideas! And that doll is awesome. I love how you posed her glaring at that spider- it made me laugh at loud, and cause my husband to come over to see, and he agreed- she's GHASTLIE! Thanks for sharing your projects!

  69. Great projects. That doll is truly ghastlie. Kinda reminds me of my mom when she gets mad. lol. Thanks for sharing and the great giveaway of the apron.

  70. Haha!! I *am* a Ghastlie cook! I think I killed my favorite pan last night. :P

    Wonderful ideas for non-Halloween uses. Love the age quip, and your doll is spectacular.

  71. Very cute projects!! Your aprons are adorable, but I love the chalkboard tablecloth idea.

  72. Your doll is amazing; I love it! The aprons are cute too, please include me in the drawing for the second one, I would be so happy to have it!
    I really like your chalkboard tablecloth idea, very creative. Thanks for sharing!

  73. The doll is amazing. I thought the chalkboard tablecloth is a great idea. Love all your projects.

  74. Thank you so much for participating in this Ghastlie Super Party and for including me in your giveaway. You are almost to 300 followers...congratulations. I adore your doll and tablecloth and aprons. It is amazing that with all the participants no two items are the same. Gorgeous Ghastlies to you...

  75. What great ideas for the Ghastlies! love all the projects. would love a chance to win anything during this hop. thank you!

  76. Great ideas! I'd love the chef's apron!

  77. I especially love the doll. What a darling!!!! I would love to wine anything during this hop

  78. The doll is awesome. All of your projects are very cute. The aprons especially. Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway.
    Bonnie in Iowa

  79. The doll is the best! Thanks for sharing.

  80. Wonderful projects and I just love your little doll! She is so neat!
    Quilting by the River

  81. OH my! your spider and fly quilt is eerie and fun! Your doll sure is a cutie!! Oh, and I think I've had enough of models with "stick legs"! ha! Have a Ghastlie day!!

  82. The table cloth idea is very unique. I can't wait for the tutorial. The doll is just precious. You've done a great job. Thank you.

  83. What a clever idea, can't wait for the tut. love the doll, the face is amazing, all of it is amazing

    thanks for taking the time to share

  84. Wow! You have made some fabulous creations - love that doll, she is freaky but awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  85. What creativity you display! Love that chic apron!

  86. What fun -- loved the spooky little spider and cute aprons!! I'm a new follower! :)

  87. The table cloth is a great idea that could be used in so many ways . Love the aprons and the doll too , great projects!

  88. LOVE your projects! The spider and fly on the quilt are ever so clever! And the DOLL is just amazing! Great work!

  89. such ghastlie projects ... the doll is ghorgeous, the chalkboard is a ghreat idea! spiders and flies are not my cup of tea; your quilt is really ghastlie
    i am a ghastlie cook ... hubby cooked for forty years, and i've made no progress trying to cook for myself.

  90. Love your doll and apron. My cooking really is "Ghastlie".

  91. great idea, theme parties. Love the doll but I think that the spider and fly on your quilt win the prize. Wonderful job.

    Ms Selina Ghastlie

  92. Linda are sEw creative.... even your props!! Luv the's AWESOME!! and the chef apron...sEw practical!! Can't wait to see the chalk board tutorial...I'm a new follower, you are on your way to get over the 300 milestone. Awesome prizes today....WOW 3 of them over at Mme Samm Ghastlies and your chef apron. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. Great job, you made this sistah very proud (o:...sistah Pauline

  93. I love the doll! I never would have thought of doing that with the's awesome!

  94. I would love the Ghastlie apron, because I AM a ghastlie cook. All your creations are wonderful. I am a follower for a while now, but just signed up for your email so I won't miss anything.

  95. So if you serve your dinner guests while wearing the Ghastly apron, should they have their food tested before indulging? Could be a clue to my cooking skills... Love the doll, she scares the poop out of me. :) If I was that spider, I would high-tail it out of there; knitting needles can be dangerous!

  96. I'm so in love with your doll! Wonderful job.

  97. What a great idea! And your aprons are great! Thanks for the fun! I'm off to see your quilt, too! ♥

  98. I am a new follower and would love to win the apron (as I am giving the one I made away!) I adore the idea of a Ghastlie birthday party. I am turning 30 next year...

  99. What a Ghastley wonderful idea I love then all and would love to win the apron. The doll is adorable and your quilt is so cute. Thanks for all of your hard work and creativity.

  100. Hi Linda, you lot in the Ghastlie covern have had some amazing ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  101. Love your ideas to use this Ghastlie fabric on a milestone birthday! How cute is that doll???
    You really made good use of all your fabric!
    Thank you for the chance to win the apron, I would love/be scared of it! ;-)
    ps - just became a follower - hope you make it too the big 300!

  102. Such wonderful projects. thanks for sharing

  103. What a lovely Ghastlie projects! Thank you for sharing!

  104. Your tablecloth idea is so great, especially with chalkboard fabric. Would love th chef's apon and your color choice for the trim on the apron and hotpads is perfect.

  105. Love your Ghastlie doll and the idea to use these fun fabrics not just for Halloween!!! (took a peek at your the 'fly'!!!) Would love to be entered for a chance to win your chef's apron. TFS

  106. Your doll is fantastic. I can't wait to see the tutorial for the table cloth as well - that is such a great idea.

    I love the chef's apron.

    Great job and thanks for sharing!

  107. Your doll is just perfect! And anxious to know about chalkboard fabric. Thanks for chance to win and have a great day

  108. I love your doll!! She is perfect. The quilt you made is so funny with the spiders heads. How fun to have chalk board fabric.

  109. What a Ghastlie little doll, I love the expression on her face. What Ghastlie thoughts is she thinking...
    Please enter me in the draw for the apron too, I could use it with the holidays coming up.

  110. You are so close to 300! I am already a follower... I AM a Ghastlie cook, and I DO wear aprons when I cook... I really like your ideas.

  111. Just 4 more after me til you reach your ghoul! Your quilt, doll, and aprons are wonderful. What talent you have. I was hoping you were giving your doll away, but I would love to win the apron too! Thanks.

  112. I really love the projects you created with your Ghastlies. The tablecloth is a fantastic idea:) Thanks for inspiring me today and for offering the chance to win some Ghastlie prizes.

  113. what great projects!! You are very creative. I hope you reach 300!!!

  114. Your doll is certainly giving the spider the evil eye. lol. I love your tablecloth. You are so creative! I'm a new follower(#296)so I went back to look at the quilt you made earlier and using beads for the spider web, clever! I'd love to be included in your drawing for the apron as well please. Thanks for a chance to win.


  115. Oh my goodness Linda! I have lost the ability to come up with new words of appreciation. Every blog is filled with projects and ideas I would never have dreamed of. (I know...ending a sentence with a preposition is bad :D)

    Your ghastlie doll is out of this world and your tablecloth would certainly add to the fun of any celebration. You can invite me to a party any time! Will have to follow you just to see what you come up with next! Chalkboard fabric? Kewl!

  116. P.S. I am your 300th follower! Yay!

  117. Oh Linda, you are so right it is not just for Halloween! What a super idea. Love the doll, really cute and the tablecloth you can write on!! Love that! and the aprons, my model was a tree so I know we have to use what we have as models!! Thanks for sharing such fun ideas.

  118. I love your ghastlie doll and had a giggle over her lounging on the couch having a quiet moment with a book,my favourite activity on lazy hot days under the shade of a tree or cold days when you can curl up with a blanket and a good boook :) Barb.

  119. Cute doll! And great post! Thanks so much.

  120. I love the idea of the chalkboard tablecloth. thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  121. I am in loooooove with your doll! I'd love to see a tutorial for her, I need one! Thank you for sharing!

  122. Just looking at that table setting makes me want to have a Ghastlie party for someone (or me.) The doll, the aprons, the quilt--all amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  123. Well I see you are now over 300 followers! Congrats. I love your tablecloth. What the perfect item when having a party. How clever you are to use the chairs as models. hehe. You have to use what you have right? Please include me in your giveaway for the Chef's apron. Love it!

    Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.


  124. YAY I'm a follower and you are over your 300 mark! woohooo!

    I am just blown over by all of your wonderful Ghastlie ideas!! Love the aprons, your quilt, just everything. This blog hop has been so fun. I'm glad it's going to be a yearly thing! I would love to enter your giveaway, too!
    Thanks for the chance!

  125. You made such lovely Ghastly creations. I love the aprons and hot pads and love love love the Ghastly doll. She looks just like the fabric. I would love to be entered into your giveaway too.

  126. Linda, I love your doll...she is so adorable! Great Ghastlie job! Kd ~

  127. That doll is wonderful! LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!

    Shirley Albertson Owens

  128. Fantastic projects! Love that you can use them for any occasion!! I did giggle at your chair models :)

  129. All of your creations are awesome, but I absolutely, positively love the doll the most!!! How talented you are. And hey - I notice you've hit the magic number of 300 followers! Congratulations!

  130. Love the hostess apron! Wouldn't it be fun to wear when hosting a ritzy party LOL

  131. This is absolutely hillariously GHASTLIE! What an innovative idea this is for a party. And, so of course would love to enter a giveaway for one of your projects. Best wishes to SISTAH Ghastlie too.

  132. I love what you've done with the Ghastlies. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  133. great idea with the chalkboard and the aprons are so cute but that quilt is the best - love the embroidery and the faces - soooo cute - thanks for sharing ♥

  134. Chalkboard fabric, that sounds interesting... I am curious to come back and see what it's like. You have been busy with the Ghastlie club and I would very much love to win your apron! Thanks for sharing

  135. Just wanted to tell you I'm follower 306 - yay you've made it - now for the next goal (or should that be ghoul !)

  136. Cute ideas and love your projects. Thank you for participating.

  137. Two Ghastlie aprons that you made. Cute pink one, but, yes, I'd do better with the chefs apron you are giving away. Glad it's gotten cooler in Texas for now. Wish I could send you some rain.

  138. Since you asked so nicely, I'm your latest follower :)
    Your doll is Amazing! Oh, and the cute spider too! Wonderful projects, but how did you know my cooking is ghastlie?! I'm sure it would improve with that fabulous chef's apron - thanks for the chance to win!

  139. How fun is that. I almost thought you were taking to me personally with the How old are you!!! hahahahahaha

  140. What a wonderful hostess you are! I had fun at your party! Thank you for entering me in Madame Samm's giveaway and in yours!

  141. Love your creative Ghastlie party ideas! And your doll is too wonderful. Great projects! Thanks for a chance to win the apron.

  142. I had a blast at your Party!! Your Doll is adorable too. I am following you because I would like too!! Yes I would love to be entered into your Give Away!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  143. Love the idea of the ghastly birthday! thanks for sharing. thanks for entering me in the givaway.

  144. What a cute bunch of ideas. You Ghastlie girls are just too ingenious with this. You did great. Thanks for letting us visit.

  145. What great items you made! I really love the doll.

  146. Wow! What great projects! I love the aprons and well all of it! Good job!

  147. What a great idea to use the Ghastlies to celebrate "special" birthdays! Thanks for the ideas!!

  148. I am a ghastlie cook who would love to win the chef's apron. Thank you for the chance to win it! Great ideas you have.

  149. YOU are ambitious! I love your unique way non-Halloween to present this fabric, genius!

  150. Thanks for sharing your Novel idea. My DH's big 6-0 is coming way too soon. I'd love to greet him wearing your apron with some Ghastlie Breakfast on his special day.

  151. Your ghastly chalkboard tablecloth is amazing. I LOVED the doll. The aprons and the quilt were amazing too.

  152. Love the chalkboard tablecloth! Would love the tutorial. Amazing doll. Thanks for sharing.

  153. The face on that doll!! Well, what can I say? It's fabulous! And would I ever love to win that apron to wear for a ghastlie family event!

  154. Oh my gosh, I would LOVE to see that chalkboard fabric tutorial. It is such a wonderful idea! I love it! The doll is priceless as well. Thank you. New follower :)

  155. Oh, Linda, I love your little doll, she's such a Ghastlie doll! Great ideas for us, I'll check back for your chalkboard tutorial too! Really great apron - well done, Ms. Linda!

  156. I'm late to your party but I still wanted to drop you a note to tell you your doll is way too cute! You always do such nice work and are very creative. Lol, I've been a taxi way too much lately keeping me from my creative side. This w/e I'm at a local shop for a 3 day retreat! Yay me!!!
    Just so much cuteness going on here!

  157. I'm late to the party, too... but you're so creative, I simply couldn't pass by without saying I love what you did with Ghastlie fabric line.


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