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Thursday, July 14, 2011

School Supplies for Quilters!

A gift from a student many years ago. I wonder if she is a quilter today?

 In "another life" I was an elementary school teacher. Through the years I taught from Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade. Second grade was my all time favorite, I think, although Pre-K would hold a close second, or maybe Kindergarten. Oh, well. It gets in your blood. It's not the type of profession that you can leave at work. You bring it home with you. You dream about the children. You find yourself thinking continually of newer and better ways to get a lesson across. You worry about whether or not you're the best teacher for a particular child. You worry about their home lives. You spend a good chunk of your meager pay check on classroom supplies and teaching aids (at least public school teachers do that!). Teaching is a hard, thankless job in most cases. So why do I miss parts of it so much! I go in the store when the school supplies are put out and I shop the aisles. I feel at home there. So it's no surprise I find a lot of ways to use these supplies with my quilting. Here is a little list of what I found this week:

Under $1:

Clear washable school glue (see glue resist tutorial here), glue sticks (see my applique method here),
box of 24 crayons (for planning colors or even coloring  on your quilts like women did in the 30's), pencil box (I use several for all kinds of smaller things like  beads, scissors, even for supplies for an on-the-go type project)

Under $2:
Hardcover composition books (perfect for jotting down ideas, taking quilt class notes, keeping a log of quilts). The hard cover makes it feel like a real book, plus it's more durable.  I found it in 2 sizes.

Box of 64 crayons (the more the merrier, I say!) and a clear protractor (use this not only for measuring, but the rounded side is useful for drawing out scalloped borders or scalloped quilting)
 Under $4

Frixion pens (ink disappears with the heat of an iron - I use it to mark the embroidery lines on my quilts. Doesn't matter if you stick it in a freezer and the words come back, I will have embroidered over them!!! ), Fiskars Student scissors (these are the ones made for ages 12+, not the ones for younger kids! They are only 1 1/2" shorter than a regular pair of fabric scissors. They are sharp and cost about $3.49. I bought some last year and they are still sharp. I use them for fabric all the time. My "real scissors" have gotten dull so if I am not using the rotary cutter, I am using these!)
So that's my list. You might want to keep your eyes open next time you go through the school supply aisle. You might be surprised at the goodies you can find!

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  1. Great ideas, you made me want to try the liquid glue fabric art.

    You have the heart of a teacher, I recognize every thought/prayer that I have done over my students/kids. And yes, even in Christian school you have those kids you end up supplying for, sometimes because mom's too busy, and sometimes the child is barely there because a grandparent is paying for a "good education", and the parent themselves are saying, "whatever". We do our best in any child's case.

    Thank you for sharing today ~

  2. Linda, I use a lot glue and stock up this time of year. Because of the G-kids I always have a large container of crayons and color pencils! Never thought about the containers for use in storing smaller items - guess I'll be picking a few of those up! Thanks for the ideas, I'm always on the look out for economical ideas!

  3. Very good advice - we all need to look at things "differently" and repurpose, don't we? Judy C in NC

  4. Hi Linda...What a keen shopper you are!
    Love your jeans upcycle bag...its fab..!!
    happy day x

  5. lovely post Linda,have a great day

  6. I've got a few of those things, but I have to say I'm going to go looking for more! I really want to find that Frixion pen.

    I always wanted to be a teacher. When I started homeschooling, I realized that I was ok with my own kids, but I'd have trouble with everyone else's, lol! Teaching is pretty much a thankless for all those kids you taught [and I'm sure you were a WONDERFUL teacher], thank you!

  7. Excellent love these ideas! Great post, Linda! Have a wonderful Day! :)

  8. Thanks for all of the great ideas! The school supplies are just starting to dominate the shelves around here so I will look at them with a different eye :)

  9. Yes, I agree...I still find myself planning bulletin boards!!!

  10. You would have been a fantastic teacher... you burn out very quickly when you care so much I would imagine.. Thinking of you with all your hot weather...

  11. I would of been a great teacher!!!! I so love teaching but I am enjoying my Summer off. Hugs for a great week. xoxox


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