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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Koozie Cutie Tutorial

 I have no idea where the word "koozie" came from, but you've all seen them and probably own some! 
This tutorial is for one you make yourself. It's a cute little quickly sewn project that dresses up that bottled water or soda can and makes it cute enough for a picnic! 

If you're suffering from the heat where you live, like a lot of the country, you know that the minute you take a cold bottle out in the hot air, you have condensation. This will soak up the extra water droplets for you and give it a little insulation.

Although I give you measurements for the one I made, you may want to measure your bottle or soda can to be sure it will fit. Just leave 1/2" extra length so you can sew 1/4" seams.
1. You will need an outer fabric, batting, and lining fabric. Cut pieces that are 4" x 9" and 2" x 3" out of each. This will be your "top" and "bottom" pieces.
2. Place lining and outer fabric right sides together with the batting on the bottom. Do this for both sets - both top and bottom.
3. For the bottom set, sew around three sides, leaving one shorter side open.
4. Turn this piece right side out.
5. Pin between the lining and outer fabric in the center along the bottom. Pin the open end to the bottom of the seam. You will catch this in the bottom seam. Sew both long sides together using a 1/4" seam. (Leave the ends open.) Turn right side out.
6. Fold in half with outer fabric inside. Sew along the open edge using a 1/4" seam.
7. Whip stitch the loose end of the bottom to the opposite side of the top. Turn right side out.
8. At this point, it is finished.......BUT, it is so much fun to embellish it!!! I sewed a little silk flower on mine. How about buttons, rick rack, embroider a name...whatever you can dream up. Make it fit the theme you want to carry out.
Use your imagination! Can you see novelty fabrics for a birthday party? How about a fabric that coordinates with your dishes? Or maybe each person can have a different fabric to help you keep everyone's bottles or cans straight.  A bottle of water with a nicely decorated koozie can become a small gift for a hospital patient or their family members. 

                 As always, have fun with it!

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  1. Another wonderful little idea Linda. Such a useful thing too in the heat!

  2. Well, isn't that the cutest? Thank you Linda ~

  3. Thanks for the great idea and the wonderful tutorial. I hate sweaty bottles and cans and definitely need to make one for the water bottle.

  4. Linda, I love this! I can see making them for my G-kids in different colors so they always know which water bottle/glass is theirs. Thanks for the tutorial.

  5. neat, love the flower! thanks!

  6. so cute Linda,well done

  7. Great idea - even for up north where the heat index today is 116F. Uff dah! Thanks for joining the blog hop at RocknQuilts today!

  8. SO DARLING - I need this right now, lol!

  9. What a cute little thing!! I love the fabric and the flower...your embellishments with flowers is catching on!!

  10. Linda thanks so much for doing this. I've bookmarked it so I can come back to it when I get home. I'd love to make these for gifts. blessings, marlene

  11. What a wonderful and cute idea! How do you come up with so many neat things???
    I am with Stitchin - when I get home next week, I am going to make a couple too!!!

  12. Whoop whoop!! What a great idea!!! And no more wet circles on my sewing table, either!!

  13. So cute. I see several tutorials I am going to come back to look at....thanks for joining up for Whoop Whoop Friday!

  14. Now that sew clever! Know what you mean about condensation, what a mess. Very cute koozie. Try and stay cool, and use that koozie a lot!!

  15. nice add on to those boring water bottles:) Whoop,whoop from me!!

  16. Very cute! I may have to make a few!

  17. Nice tutorial Linda, I so need to make a few of these!

  18. Oh! thank you so much for the "tute"! my mind...kinda took off when seeing the pics...what if there was a leeeetle pin cushion on the side...or maybe a pocket for scissors?



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