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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rain at Last!

It's Raining! Yay!
We've been "caught up" in a drought here in South Texas and have needed rain for a very long time now. Today, it started raining! I've forgotten how to drive in rain, but I managed to get myself home without any mishaps. 

The plant on the left has rain water up to its brim. 
Just a couple of days ago it was 101 degrees here! The grass that is out of reach of the sprinkler system crunched under my feet as I walked. Driving down the interstate, you pass areas along the road that were burned by grass fires. This rain is a very welcome relief. (I did see harvesters heading out to someone's fields. I do feel sorry for them. Rain is not a good thing when it is time to harvest.)
What a perfect day to sit and sew if the power stays on! There is certainly a lot of thunder, but so far, so good!


  1. I love to sew when it rains! We are in need of rain here too! Enjoy your sewing!

  2. Hi. Here it's very dry also. It was all dust in the woods near my house where I take my walks a couple of times a week. Hope to get rain next week.

  3. It was so good to see the rain! My husband and I were upstairs when it started...we both stopped and listened and then ran downstairs to open the door and watch it rain! Even the dogs were fascinated by it! It's also good to know my windshield wipers haven't dry rotted!


  4. My poor cats have not heard thunder in so long they have been completely freaked out the last two days with all this weather. I think I have an idea where you are now. Always love to hear from you. Thanks

  5. My goodness, did it ever rain! Here up North, our farmers are attempting to plant, but with the floods and continued rain, it's going to be very difficult to get a crop in by May 18th (the crop insurance deadline).


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