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Friday, April 22, 2011

Tutorial:Leftover Block Envelope Bag

This very simple little envelope bag is going with me on a trip to California. I plan to give it to my granddaughter to use for little things she might want to carry - lunch money, cell phone, little notebook, etc. 
I started out with a variation of the Road to California block. (A hint about where I'm going!) If you want this block in particular, you can find directions here:
1. Start with a finished block. Mine is a 10" block, but any size will work. The bigger the block, the bigger the bag! Layer it with batting and backing. Quilt it and bind it.
Actually, this is the block I started with: (It was a little too plain for me so I used fabric dye and added some color and design! Remember, this is a block I would have thrown out anyway, so I had nothing to lose by experimenting! )
2. Bring three corners up to the middle. I chose to bring the yellow corners to the center for balance. Try different corners to find which is best on your block.

3.Sew the sides of these corners together. It is helpful to turn it inside out to do this. You will have only two seams.
4. Using the same binding (that you bound the block with) turn the raw edges to the center and press. The length will depend on how much strap you want. Mine is 24", but you may want yours longer. Try it out first!
5. Fold the binding in half with the raw edges inside and press. Sew along each side. This forms your strap.
6. Fold under each end of the strap about 1/4" and sew to the top at each side of the bag. I sewed it about 1" below the top because I have the flap overlapping about 1" at the closure. Sew hook and loop tape (or snap, magnetic closure, button, etc.) just below the "junction" of the three corners that you have sewn together. Sew the corresponding hook and loop (or other method) to the top flap. I chose to sew a button on the front of the flap for color.

                       That's all there is to it.
                     Have a wonderful Easter
                       and I'll be back soon!


  1. What a cute idea! Sure makes me wish I had granddaughters, young nieces, friends with little girls - but, alas, only little boys in my little circle. Have fun in my state of CA!

  2. So cute! I think my neices' little girls would love these. I also love that spring is finally here and we can start taking pictures of things with flowers instead of sticks. Thanks for posting.

  3. It is really cute. Such a simple idea that works so well! You are so smart!

  4. I love it Linda, what a great way to use an orphan block.

  5. That's so cute! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing and showing us how to do it!

  6. That is the sweetest idea for a left over block, clever lady...

  7. Linda, What a WONDERFUL idea! I have so many orphan 12" blocks and I think these would make wonderful bags to carry small stitchery projects along with you, as well as delightful little bags as a gift for my grand daughter. I always amazes me to see ideas like this. There they are, all size blocks sitting everywhere in our sewing rooms just waiting for our light bulbs to come on, LOL. I was just thinking, I could sew four of the 12" blocks together (or any size) and make a nice large tote also. I'm so glad I dropped in today. I've been down the last few days with a flare up of my Scleroderma but today is definitely a sewing day. I was going trace some stitchery projects but I think I will try a couple of ideas for this delightful bag. Thank you so much! One thing I have found, is that if I miss one day of your blog, I miss out on some beautiful projects, tutorials and "WOW" ideas. Big Hugs....

    1. I was just thinking about making it larger! :) This bag is an adorable idea and I have a ton of blocks all ready! :) I don't want to make it to big because of my back, but would like it to be big enough to use for my purse and Kindle. Oh! And how could I forget a nice spot for a water bottle! :D

  8. too cute... wish i had a little one to make it for...would be a great & simple project for our quilt guild....

  9. tres tres beau merci mis tin lien sur mon blog bisessssssssssssssss

  10. wow...what a difference a few months and I as of this moment, are even...133.
    Congratulations ! You have earned it!

  11. I love this! So cute and a great tutorial! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Fun to see queues of people options to treat DL Envelopes . Here are mine:
    "Having the right to do something, do not do the right thing to do."

  13. how can i print the pattern without printing all of the comments with it?

  14. I love it, I'm going to make one for my mom, to keep her dimes in for a game they play at the retirement facility she lives at.
    Love it

  15. How adorable is that?? And such a clever idea! It could have so many uses. I have lots of leftover blocks to try this out on!! I have a Road To California quilt top that my great grandmother pieced back in the very early 1900's! Someday, I am going to 'finish' it!

  16. What a great bag and so original. I am going to try making it today...

  17. What a difference you can i print it to use for Gift Card envelopes.

  18. well...that's an interesting comment from anonymous for sure!!!! wanted to tell you i just made six of these for my girlie girls and their mommas. such a great way to use some of those orphan blocks! thanks so much.

    1. I have not gone back to these old posts to delete all the anonymous comments made by spammers. It has become quite a problem in the blogging world. I wonder if they really think we will go to their sites or something? I have started moderating the comments so I can delete them before they publish. Thank you so much for calling my attention to it!

  19. Hi Linda,
    Just to let you know, I pinned this tutorial. Thanks, Donna

  20. I am a retired, now widow of a military man. we had summer garden parties were we wives would gather for an afternoon, to chat and make friends, get support, all that. this would be such a nice bag for one of those. also when they do a fund raising raffle, to donate one or more, so many of the younger women don't sew anymore. and are afraid to try like- we all started to sew from the start as expert and never made a mistake!! how funny. this would also make a great learn to sew/quilt project. I have learned that if you show them how, and they are able to do and finish fast ,it makes it easier to start another larger project and then the idea of sewing is not so scary anymore.

  21. What a perfect idea to use a scrap block. Now I will have to be sure to make extra blocks so I can have a "scrap block" for a purse.

  22. Hello! Nice post! Thanks for distribution. I advance pedicure Diamond Beauty salon. Good luck with that.


You can leave your comment here! (I'm so sorry, but if you are an Anonymous commenter, your comment will not publish. This is because of the huge amounts of spam that I have received from anonymous sources.)