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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggetty Jig

 Here I am. Trying to crawl out of the snow near Mt. St. Helens on Thursday morning. As you can see, one leg is still stuck in the snow and it comes well above my knee. Now, this South Texas girl doesn't have a lot of experience in the snow. I didn't realize that snow can be like water, with some areas deeper than others! I also didn't realize just how hard it is to climb out of it when you sink down deeper than your knees!  My three grown sons and husband thought it was pretty funny. (It's even harder to climb out of the "snow pit" when you're laughing so hard you're afraid you might embarrass yourself!)
I've been in California with a "side trip" up to the Portland, Oregon area and about an hour north of that. It seems so strange to leave temperatures in the 90's, land in central California with temperatures in the 70's, drive to Portland in the 50's, and drive up to the mountain where it was obviously below 32. Isn't this supposed to be spring?
 The first day of the trip, I gave my 8 year old granddaughter the little purse (see the last tutorial). I showed her my blog and the picture there of her purse. (I did add buttons over where I sewed the strap on. MUCH better! Wish I had thought of that earlier!!!) She was thrilled to see HER purse on the internet. Later in the car we heard from the back seat, "I just can't get over it. My purse is FAMOUS!" So cute!
 Thank you to everyone who commented and to all my new followers. I can't wait to read your comments. (It's late now and I need to go to bed.) I will post "for real" on Monday. I hope to have a new tutorial then if I can get my act together. If not, it will go up very soon.


  1. That is funny, Linda. Welcome home, where you pretty much know what the temp will be this time of the year and most of the time....extremely warm to hot!

  2. LOL, GREAT picture Linda. Now I'm a Utah girl so I grew up with the snow...however, here we are, May 1st and we are expecting snow later today. You said it perfectly..."Isn't this supposed to be spring?" We still have our fireplace going for a little while every day. *sigh* Thanks for sharing this delightful photo and a great post. Hugs...

  3. Welcome back!! We missed you! This is the kind of weather my DD had for Prom last night!!!!

  4. Welcome home! I miss snow. And real seasons...and rain!



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