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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Staying Home!

 Sugarplum is quite the helper these days!

While we're "sheltering in place" here in the Texas hill country, she's helping me choose fabrics for masks. 

These are going to be used by the seafood department of a local grocery store.
I've also been baking a lot of bread! (For Christmas, my husband gave me an Ankarsrum mixer from Sweden!

In the meantime, Sugarplum is taking this sheltering-in to heart and she's reluctant to get out of bed in the morning! Who can blame her? She's snuggled up in a quilt!

Stay safe and well! Tomorrow I have an old tutorial that will help you save toilet paper! Curious? Come back tomorrow!

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  1. That is one very intense mixer. Looks like wonderfully tasty bread. Need to come back to follow up on that tease. hmmmmmmmmm

  2. Those masks are perfect for the seafood department. I made my son a couple of mask with Star Wars fabrics. He is a stocker in the grocery store. Your bread looks yummy. I'm not very good at baking bread. I can't seem to find an easy recipe.

  3. I was looking at your fabric storage bins and remembered that you had posted a lot when you were redoing this house. So had revisited those sewing room posts and got some great ideas what I will do with my new one when we move.

    That mixer is awesome. What a great gift.
    Happy Easter.
    xx, Carol


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