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Monday, May 7, 2012

My Sister's Fabric Designs

My sister, Darla, has done it again. She has designed a fabric that I think is gorgeous! Can't you imagine a quilt made from the fabric above? She has entered it in the Fabric8 contest on Spoonflower. This contest is in conjunction with Robert Kaufman fabrics. (This gives you a chance to have a say in what will become a new fabric line in the near future!) Out of nearly 800 entries, the Spoonflower and Robert Kaufman staffs chose the top 100 to be in the Semi-Finals. Darla's design, "Where the Green Fern Grows", is one of these! Now the selection will be narrowed down to the top 8 by popular vote. You can vote by going to Spoonflower and clicking on your choice(s). You don't have to have an account to vote, but only one vote per computer will count unless you are logged in on their site. 

The winner will also be designing coordinating fabrics to form an entire line of the winning design. I can't wait to design a quilt around this beautiful fabric! Have you voted yet? If not, you can go here.  There are 7 pages of fabrics in the running. Darla's, just in case you didn't catch it earlier, is "Where the Green Fern Grows" by droyal. (Check out her online Spooonflower shop while you're at it! She has other designs already for sale, like pillowcase dresses for little girls, purses, and other fabric designs.) 
Even if she weren't my little sister, I would vote for her!
Until next time........

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  1. Thanks, Linda! You make me look good!

  2. I do love this fabric! All the twirlies and pretty flowers. I love the watercolor look.

  3. I don't blame you... its gorgeous! Light, summery, colourful... what more could you want! Tell your sister good luck! :)

  4. Have just voted Linda,and good luck Darla.xx

  5. Absolutely gorgeous - I'll go vote, I love it!

  6. Her fabric is really beautiful, going to vote now!


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