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Friday, February 17, 2012

Winners Announced and a New Design Shown

I've been pretty busy lately working up new designs for my patterns. This is the latest. It's called The Gardener.
I have been working really hard trying to get three new designs worked up. I have to make samples of them all as well as writing them up.  I decided that I was pushing myself too hard when I sewed completely through my finger yesterday with the sewing machine! I thought I would make it through life without ever doing that! After all, I'm careful. At least I thought I was. It didn't hit the bone and I'm fine although my finger is a little sore. The idea of it is worse than the actual "accident"! It's a shame though that I had to change a needle only 5 minutes after putting a new one on!
And now for something pleasant! The winners of my giveaway from the post on Tuesday!

The winner of the two little red lipstick towels from Tuesday's post is #6 (chosen by random number generator). That is Cheryll, from Gone Stitchin'.Congratulations, Cheryll!
The orange towel and the pink one (shown in the tutorial) go to #21(also chosen by random number generator), Charlene S. of Geema's Wonderings. Congratulations to you, too, Charlene!
Be sure and check out their blogs by clicking on their blog title.
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  1. oh Linda.....hope your fingers is ok. That is one of the scariest things about sewing,eh. take care

    Great little gardener

  2. I am so sorry about your finger but so excited about winning. Thank you so much!

  3. Ouch...I would have passed out...sEw far I have avoided sewing my finger. That is the third finger sewn I've heard about in the last few months. Your 'The Gardener' is adorable!!

  4. You're right. Just the thought of the needle makes you go all funny! Your Gardner quilt is lovely. Hope your finger feels better soon Linda. Hugs, Christine

  5. Well with a sore finger perhaps YOU can watch your friend garden until it mends. The quilt is lovely!
    Thanks Linda (& Mr Random) for my WiN ! Yippee!!! :)

  6. Congrats to the winners!! What fun to be looking for something in the mail besides bills!!

  7. I love your little gardener, she is so cute. Sooo sorry about your finger but glad it missed the bone, it gave me the chills when I read about it..not something that I want to happen to me!!

  8. your supposed to sew the fabric not the finger silly! Ouch!! Fingers are the worst they have a tenancy of THROBBING!! Hope it is better soon!!

  9. Congratulations to the winners and I just adore you sweet wall hanging! Hugs for a great weekend. xoxoxo Hope your finger is is healing!

  10. Congratulations to the winners! I just love your sweet design. Is it available for us yet? Hope your finger is better soon!

  11. Lucky winners....but OH MY! That quilt is BEAUTIFUL!
    How do you do it?
    I haven't been able to comment from work, but I have been actively stalking your blog every week...LOVE ALL OF IT!!!


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