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Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Hodgepodge of Tips

We all struggle to make what we do easier, faster, more controllable, or just more efficient. I have a handful of tips that you might find useful. You may already do these things, but it might be that you find something helpful here. 
1. Do you see that little round button on the floor? The one made to make turning on your Christmas tree easier? (We call it a "stomper", but I'm sure it has a real name!)Well, it works like a dream with your iron!!! It's easier than stepping on that little switch on your power strip, and since my iron turns on and off by plugging and unplugging, it is a LOT easier than bending down to plug and unplug.
2. This one is simple. I use one of those inexpensive plastic "buckets" as a trash can in my sewing room. It has a very wide top, so throwing those tiny threads and scraps in is much easier!
3. I use hardware bins to hold my embroidery thread. Each drawer front has a snippet of floss and the number. Since I like to put embroidery on my quilts, I love having my floss so accessible. Did you know these have slots for wall mounting? Mine are mounted on the wall, one on top of the other.
4. Because I use freezer paper for all my applique and designing, I buy big rolls of it from U-Line. The paper cutter is also available from them and has made my life so much easier! I've had this roll of freezer paper for several years and I use it a LOT! At about $50 a large roll, it isn't cheap, but when you use as much as I do it is a lot cheaper than buying it by the box in the grocery store. I would spring for the extra to buy the cutter, too. It really makes it easy to use!
5. If you have a guest room that isn't used often, store your quilts under the bedspread on the bed. It keeps them flat and out of dust and light. I've even given an impromtu "quilt show" when asked by peeling back each layer to show each quilt.
6. Keep a luggage tag on the machine you take to workshops. (Since so many in my group have Featherweights, I keep my name on mine all the time.) I put a ribbon through a toggle clip (that can clip on my handle) and embroidered my name on it. I then sewed both layers of ribbon together. I've had it for several years and although it has a few spots, it has been durable.
7. Use your crockpot! If it weren't for my crockpot, my poor husband would have to take me out to eat almost every night! (Not such a bad thing, but I don't think he would go for it!) I put our dinner in the crock pot in the morning and leave it all day so I can quilt. I feel like I have a built in babysitter in my kitchen when I use mine. I don't have to run back and forth to the stove. (I also like to bake bread, so when I don't have time, I use my trusty bread machine! Another great time saver!) 
8. Use your glue stick in place of basting and in situations where you want an accurate hem or insert. (This photo is from my post about hemming napkins and using the glue stick to turn under the hem before sewing.) I use glue sticks as much as I use freezer paper!

 Well, I have other tips scattered throughout my posts, but these are the ones I wanted to share with you today. Hopefully, you found something useful. Have a great day!
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  1. What a great post! Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Great tips - thank you.
    Can you use a glue stick to turn the edges under for needleturn applique?
    Or would that be too messy?

  3. I have never seen the stomper! Got to get me one of those! Thanks Linda!

  4. Thank you very much. your tips are great!!!

  5. Great ideas there. What an amazing collection of embroidery threads! I love my crock pot too. I think they were a great invention.

  6. I love your tips, especially about the "stomper"! Reckon they have those around now that the holidays are over??? I'm trying Lowe's soon!

  7. thanks for those tips. good idea to store the quilts. Mine are folded when not in use and they get those creases in that are hard to iron out.

  8. Thanks for sharing all the good ideas. I like the iron on/off stomp button the best.

  9. thankyou Linda for all your helpful hits.xx

  10. AWESOME post - what great tips!! I especially love the stomper - must get one of those - my iron turns itself off and I have to unplug it [or slam it on the table] to get it to go back on! Thank you Linda!

  11. Great tips Linda.. especially the it! AND I too use my slow cooker especially on FNSI's.. so much easier than actually cooking! :)

  12. Crockpot had to have been invented by a woman!! It is my BEST FRIEND!! Great tips!! I use coffe canisters for trash! They have lids and are easily toteable! OH, another great one... I keep an old pill bottle near my machine for broken sharps!! Don't want to get poked by those little buggers!!

  13. I love all of your time savers and tips - really great. My big laundry basket is my scrap collection tub - trust me, you should never let it get full before you start cutting up your scraps. I have two crock pots, and sometimes use both of them. I like the pill bottle near the machine idea from Josie. Judy C

  14. Great tips, Linda. Some I have heard about (and use), others I haven't, so found your post very useful. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Where did you get those great looking hardware bins? They look like wood?
    Great tips. I hardly ever use my crock pot because I don't have that many recipes. Could you share some of your go-to crock pot recipes? I have a few crock pot cook books but haven't been too pleased with the food.
    Gmama jane

  16. I always love good tips....Thanks for sharing!

  17. I've never heard of a stomper before, but now I wonder how I ever lived without one.

  18. I've only recently seen someone use these stompers for lights. What a great idea for the iron. I'll have to keep my eye open for them in the future to stock up. And I really should use my crockpot more often. I would have more time to sew.


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