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Monday, January 23, 2012

Valentine Booklet Tutorial

Here's a sweet little idea for you to make using scraps, cardboard, and paper. The verse reads: 
Roses are red, Violets are blue.
Here are some things I love about you!
(You can then use the remaining pages to list the things you love about the recipient. Maybe you can even use some photos!)
This is a very easy project. Here's the tute:

1. Cut two heart shapes from cardboard. (You can use a cookie cutter for a pattern or cut one from paper first.) 
     2. Trace the hearts onto the wrong side of your fabric scrap, leaving about 1/2" allowance around the edges.

         3. Cut out the fabric hearts on the seam allowance. Clip almost to the line on the curved edges.

4. Use a permanent glue stick to glue the seam allowance over the edge of the cardboard heart. Make two. These are your covers. On the front cover, leave about 1 1/2" open for stuffing.

5. Use a craft stick to stuff a small amount of fiberfill under the fabric on the front cover to slightly puff it. After you get it the way you like it, glue the open edge closed.
6. Cut two hearts from felt. Glue the felt to the back of each cover to hide the turned over seam allowance.
7. Print out or write your chosen verse and cut your pages from paper.  Stack them up and trim to fit inside the booklet.
8. There are probably many ways to bind your book, but this is a very easy way. I simply took several strands of embroidery floss and sewed through the book at the top of each curve of the heart, making loops. Be sure you test whether of not your book will open. You need to leave the loops loose. I suspect a couple of jewelry rings would work better, but I didn't have any on hand. A very narrow ribbon might also work well. 
I chose to glue a few sequins on the top. A silk flower, embroidery, applique, or even nothing at all could be used. Now fill the pages with the things you love about the recipient - their sweet smiles, their thoughtful nature, the way they listen........etc. 
NOTE: Here is an alternate method of binding the pages together. Simply fold your fabric in half before cutting and place one edge of the heart at the fold. When you turn the edges, you will be turning one piece of fabric over 2 cardboard hearts (see the photo above). Cut your paper with the fold at the edge also, then sew down the middle (on your sewing machine) to connect all the pages. Instead of gluing felt over the cardboard cover backs, you will glue the first and last page of the paper to the front and back, as shown below.

You could also use this idea for a little booklet of inspirational thoughts or uplifting scriptures. Use your imagination! There's no reason the shape has to be a heart. You could use any shape that you can cut out and turn your fabric over.  It doesn't even have to be a Valentine. It could be a fun little autograph book for a little girl, or a book of coupons for Mother's Day, tiny watercolored sketches or even a Get Well gift for someone who needs it. 

Have fun, and .....
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  1. What a cute idea. I have everything needed, so I just may make a couple of these. thanks!

  2. very cute idea, I am going to have to give this a try

  3. Adorable!! So easy but it could mean so much to that special someone. Thanks for sharing the great tutorial.

  4. Your little heart booklet is very sweet. Thank you for sharing your technique. This will be a wonderful little gift for any gender or occasion. Happy Heart Hugs...

  5. What a neat idea! It would make a fun project to do with my granddaughter! Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is so cute...such a sweet idea for a gift. Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

  7. You are always so creative Linda! Looks wonderful!


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