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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Quilted Christmas Tree Wall hanging

In the hallway between my laundry room and kitchen pantry, I've put a simple quilted tree. I made it in wide horizontal strips using scraps of green. In the horizontal seams, I put ribbon loops that I can hang either ornaments or candy canes on. It would be great for a dorm room or small space. It takes up only as much room as what you hang on it, except for the space on the wall or door.
I didn't use a pattern and I don't have a tutorial since I made this several years ago. I  used large half square triangles at the ends of each row and made each row successively wider than the one above it. (You are viewing this at an angle because the hallway is too narrow for me to get a photo straight on.)  I added the cardinals because I like them. You could leave them off or add something you like more.

In a few days I will post the dining tables I've set up for Christmas. I need to find fabric for table napkins, so I still have that to do.  I can't seem to find any sold commercially that will work for my tables. I'm anxious to show you what I've done with a few inexpensive Christmas plates and what I already had around the house.
Until next time, I hope you find time to relax and do the things you love!
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  1. I love your tree... especially with the idea of changing any ornaments hanging from it! You are so very clever! :)

  2. this is really a nice way to decorate those forgotten areas. As for napkins, have you thought about buying a table cloth and cutting up for napkins? Something I've thought about doing because I probably have 4 or 5 red Christmas table cloths.

  3. very nice tree,Linda..can't wait to see the dining area..

  4. I LOVE that idea! That would work great for my vintage ornaments that I don't want to put on my actual tree, lol, because KITTY will get looks great, Linda!

  5. What a great idea!! Of course, you always have such great ideas!! I could see it also being a fun advent calendar! :) Hugs!

  6. This is a fantastic idea. I know several people for which putting up a Chritmas Tree is jut not something they can physically do anymore. What a fantastic gift for these folks.

  7. Girl....I believe this is just THE cutest darn thing I have seen so far!!! How crafty you are!!!

  8. Great idea - I need something for my hall door and this would work well there. Thanks! blessings, marlene


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