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Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Christmas Elf

As I was attempting to straighten my quilting studio, I opened a box that had this little doll that I made last year. I had forgotten about him. He didn't have clothes yet and I had gotten busy and put him away. I decided that he would be fun to put out for Christmas this year, so I finished him off and placed him under the tree to watch over the gifts until Christmas.  I can see I need to work on the little boots a little more (didn't notice until I put the picture up!). 
Every time I make a doll I remember how much I love doing it! 
My youngest son flies in on Saturday and my oldest on Thursday of next week! The middle son won't make it this year, so I am a little sad about that, but so thankful that I live in a world of cell phones and internet where people all over the world can connect in seconds! What a blessing! 

post signature                     Happy Holidays!


  1. cute little doll Linda..sorry to hear that your middle son can't make it this year...we have 3 sons also....Christmas dinner gets a bit loud with 3 sons....4 grandsons..granddaughter and is loud, comicle listening to the little ones...can't wait....

  2. Very cute little elf!
    Our youngest, who lives in Denver, mentioned that she could come for a couple of days and I bought a plane ticket at lightening speed! It's nice that you'll have two out of three:)

  3. Your elf is so cute Linda. He's got such a cheeky face!

  4. Such a cute elf doll. He will make a good guard :) Luckily my two daughters still live close by.

  5. Oh Linda, he is just TOO CUTE!!! I've had a passion for elves all my life---and I just found a little ceramic one, today, in a resale store, that reminds me of a set of three that my Mom always put out at Christmas. I adored them!! (hmmmm, I wonder who has them...LOL) I would love a sewn one; I'll have to think about that. I'm not very good at doll-making. :/

  6. Isn't he cute!!! How lovely to have your sons with you - maybe you can Skype with your middle son on the big day?

  7. Love your little Christmas Elf! Enjoy this lovely time of the year.

  8. What a cute little elf Linda. His face is just adorable.

    So glad at least two of your sons can make it for Christmas this year. Perhaps you can talk to your middle son via the computer. Since our kids live all over the country (Hawaii, North Carolina and Oregon) we don't get very many Christmases together anymore. But we DO set up the computer or the iPhone and then we can open presents "together". Its fun. The grandkids even go up to the camera and show their gifts close up. Sure does help to alleviate the "missing the kids blues"!

  9. Isn't it wonderful how technologies can bring us closer to family? I'm glad for you that at least you will be able to use your cell phone to talk with your son that will be away. =)

    I LUV your leeeetle elf! You have your VERY own "Elf on a Shelf". You've probably heard about that cute book that's been so popular lately...


  10. Just wanted to pop in and say Happy New year!!!! I am excited to see what you come up with this year!!!


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