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Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's a Ghastlie Blog Hop!

Are you ready for another "fun" event? Have you seen the "Ghastlie" line of fabric by Alexander Henry? Perhaps you like it, but wonder what you could possibly do with it?

Although they do have a couple of designs in the line that look more suited for Halloween, I don't see the ones I've chosen as a Halloween fabric at all! I come from an art background, so I see these as almost a surrealist expression of stern, Victorian or Edwardian life. This is "illustration" in the style of Edward Gorey. It would be at home in a Tim Burton movie, an illustration for a poem by Poe, or even a page out of H. G. Wells. I don't see these as scary or spooky. 
I hope you will join us for a blog hop of ideas of things to do with this line of fabric! I will be featured on November 3 and my ideas have NOTHING to do with Halloween! I think you'll see that this is something YOU could use! There will be prizes, both small and large, so be sure to join us! 
Here is a poem by non other than Madame Samm at Sew I Quilt, the instigator of this hop!


Behind the scenes we ( 54 ) Ghastlie obsessed
Stitchers have been rather busy, you could say.

I will be as surprised as all of YOU. 
I cannot wait to see what my Sistahs
have created.

If you have this thing for Ghastlies
and they have tied you in a knot
and you wish you could get them out of your mind
than this may be a thought.

We heard her plea for a cure
Mdm Samm was pos/it/ively sure
that we could stitch the nights away
in hopes that we MAY----???
( all 54 of us)  


The side effects are Ghastlie
there is no mistaking too.
if you don't run this very minute
YOU too will catch the FLU...

We suspected all along 
this was her master plan
she did not want to be alone,
 with all  YOU Ghastlie FANS...

(I suspect there will be a CURE somewhere
in one of these blogs...) 

 ON Monday, October 24th 

 ON Tuesday October 25th 

 ON Wednesday October 26th     
 ON Thursday October 27th 

           Mrs. Katherine Ghastlie              

 ON Friday October 28th 

 ON Monday October 31st

 ON Tuesday November 1st 

 ON Wednesday November 2nd

 ON Thursday November 3rd

 ON Friday November 4th
As you can see above, I'm highlighted in yellow! Be sure to come back and visit me then, along with all my "ghastlie sisters"!  The button on my sidebar will take you to Sew We Stitch, which is the home of the hop!
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1 comment:

  1. i love this fabric Linda for some reason,lol


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