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Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Behind You!

A picture of an unfinished Little Red Riding Hood quilt. It still needs borders, etc. Do you see the wolf behind her? The borders will have the story embroidered around it along with other hidden goodies! I put this away a year ago. I need to get it out and finish it!!!!!!

 The Wanabe Quilters Contest is behind us. What a great contest! And.....
 Week One of the Ghastlie Blog Hop is over. We'll be back on Monday, October 31 to begin the new week! Be sure you come back to see where to go each day. I will be posting on Thursday and have some "UN-Halloweeny" projects for you.

I should be back in full swing after this week. I am much better (from my shingles) and have so far avoided the awful tummy bug that everyone around me has been getting! I have house guests and I certainly don't want to pass along anything as "ghastlie" as a virus!!! My sister and I were decorating for a big banquet at church tonight and she is sick this morning. So.....I will be busy today!

So until Monday, have a great weekend!

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  1. Shingles, oh no! The red riding hood quilt looks like it will turn out pretty cool! Hope you and your sister feel better :D

  2. I love that quilt, and yes I see the wolf! Awesome. I'm glad you're feeling better and that you haven't gotten sick!

  3. oooooowww I see the wolf ow lurking behind her. What a great quilt. Get well!

  4. Fantastic him hiding there!
    I'll be doing more blog hopping next week too. I'm enjoying it! :)

  5. Well done! Great quilt happening here, Linda ~

  6. this is great and i am glad lynda that you are feeling better.

  7. I love the idea of starting with a 'picture' and then embroidering the story around it. You're so creative! Glad to hear the shingles are 'healing' and will pray you are able to avoid the dreaded 'bug'.


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