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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Visit to a Quilt Shop and With a Fellow Blogger!

Yesterday, I was able to spend some time in Creations of Kerrville a fantastic quilt shop in Kerrville, Texas. This is a big shop, but it is well staffed with very helpful, friendly people. There are rooms and rooms of beautiful fabrics sorted by type - batiks, contemporary fabrics, Civil war reproductions, Depression era reproductions, etc. There was an entire room for books and another room for notions. I could have spent hours there, but my sweet husband was sitting in their classroom sipping coffee, reading, and acting so sweet I just couldn't leave him alone for too long. I bought "The Ghastlies", an Alexander Henry fabric, along with some coordinating fabrics. I am excited about getting home and starting on something special for Halloween!


...I was able to visit with Lana from It seams to be sew.... today. My husband and I are taking a long weekend in our motor home up in the Texas hill country. Lana and her "sweet man Bill" are at their ranch in the Texas hill country where they are building a house (as you can see by the paint cans and tools and even the paint color testing on the side of the house.) In case you're wondering, Lana is the young pretty one and I'm the short, older one. I really thought my husband would just take a head shot! Oh, well, too late now. 
Lana and Bill have a beautiful setting for their "retirement" home. They have live oaks galore and lots of wildlife - deer and turkey especially, although a skunk visited yesterday! 
I wish I could meet all of you who are blogging friends face to face!
Sometimes I wonder if we might pass on the street and not even know it. Or sit on the same flight during a trip. Or know some of the same people. The older I get, the more I realize that this world is not as big as we once thought!

You have until midnight, July 6, to enter my giveaway here.

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  1. Oh, I love this shop! I think it is my all time favorite quilt store, although I have only been able to go one time! Fabulous store!! And everyone who works there is so nice!

  2. what a lovely post Linda and i love that halloween fabric so different

  3. That shop sounds like an absolute Dream!!! We have one lonely quilt shop here and, though it is quite 'big' in comparison to some little stores that surround it, it is still very small when in comparison to how big this one sounds! I think I would be in absolute heaven visiting some of the stores up there in the US!!!
    And that house - although we can only see part of it I like it already! I love the look of siding on houses but unfortunately it is not that conducive to the weather here. Our homes are generally brick (though not many) or have corrugated iron paneling like ours. I love the colour testing patch - such a clean looking colour!
    Such a fantastic day out - I hope you enjoyed yourself!!

  4. How fun to meet a blogging friend - and I do wonder, when I see someone do a double take at my purse [that Cyndi made me and I've blogged about] if I might know that person online, lol. Great pic of you and Lana!

  5. What a sad thought that we might have sat near to a fellow quilter or crafter on a plane or a train and never known it. Just shows it's ALWAYS worth taking some hand sewing long just to identify yourself, LOL

  6. Sounds like a wonderful shop. How wonderful to meet Lana in person :)
    Happy 4th of July to you and your family, Linda!

  7. nice post the fabric...I'm sending our rain your We had a beautiful weekend; but way too much rain so far this year.

  8. You are soo sweet! I did really enjoy my visit with you! and my new little bumble bee pin cushion you made me! That was perfect! Isn't it funny what baggy shirts and sweat can do to a figure? That's my story and I am stickin to it!LOL!


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