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Monday, June 6, 2011

Painting a Mural with My Granddaughter

The mural we painted together. We haven't even put the baseboards down yet! I think she needs a palm tree in the corner instead of the topiary tree. One thing at a time, though! (She is ready for softball practice.)

Another day of tropical island decorating. We unpacked all the moving boxes in the bedroom and got started finishing the mural. My granddaughter said, "You should add a hula dancer, Nana!" I said, "Okay. Draw one off as big as a piece of paper and we will put it up." She ran off to draw her girl. She called out at one point from the other room, "Nana, I have to start over. My girl is so skinny she can only have one coconut!" (She is 8. She was not trying to be funny.) I immediately sent a text to my sister to tell her of the cute remark. You can't have a one coconut hula dancer, now, can you? 

I traced her drawing onto the wall and she painted it in. At one point she remarked, "I can't believe my drawing is going to be on a wall!"
Here is the flamingo window. These are curtains she already had and wanted to keep. (I tried to talk her into long white ones, but she really liked these!)
Here is a close up of the hula dancer. She was so excited, she decided she needed to add a dolphin in the water! I know this mural would make ME smile!
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  1. Linda--This is the cutest thing! You must have so much fun with this darling child.

  2. Oh my goodness - I love that little hula dancer! what a cute picture!

  3. Absolutely precious! I am loving hearing about this cute room and that adorable little granddaughter of yours and her innocent comments that are so sweet!!

  4. It just keeps getting better and better! Love the hula girl! Your granddaughter has talent too!

  5. I'm loving our two-coconut girl!

  6. What a gorgeous room it's becoming!! I am Loving that mural - and the hula dancer is just perfect!!!

  7. It just gets better - how wonderful to include her in this! I love the mural and her two-coconut hula girl, and the dolphin. The window looks great!

  8. Looks like the talent is being passed down!


  9. The mural is wonderful! So glad the hula girl got to have two coconuts :) Looks and sounds like you are having a joyous time!

  10. Just beautiful, love the hula girl. Your Granddaughter is another artist in the making!

  11. One of the cutesy things i've seen! And how cute is her hula girl and her comment is hilarious. Love the flamingo curtains. Darling story and room.

  12. You are the coolest grandma, can you adopt me and paint my room? ( even at 47 I'd love a painting like that on my wall!!!)

  13. This is adorable!!!! Thank you for visiting me the other day. xoxoxo

  14. Your mural is the best, including the one on one time that came with it! Don't you love dear gd's smile, it's a big as the hula girl's smile. How precious.

  15. Looks great! Speaking from someone who lives in hawaii! :)


  16. Whoop Whoop! Cute, cute, both the wall and the your granddaughter.

  17. You two did a great job, absolutely adorable and something she will enjoy for years! Whoop whoop!!

  18. You and your granddaughter did a great job! I like the pink curtains at the window. There is pink in her quilt, so, they match! They also match the flamingos in the mural.

  19. LOVE it! Guess who takes after Gma?!?

  20. That's great! You can't have a tropical island without a hula dancer. :-)

  21. With the way your granddaughter smiled in the picture, I can see that she really enjoyed doing this mural in her bedroom! The hula dancer really looks adorable! :’) I also like the atmosphere there! Once you step into the room, you’ll definitely feel relaxed because of the very cool design on the wall.


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