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Monday, June 27, 2011

Lunch Bag or Purse Tutorial and a Giveaway!

 I was looking through a sewing book from the 1940's that had a description of what they called a "Miser's Bag". It was basically a bag formed by a tube with a circular bottom and a drawstring at the top. I thought it would make a great lunch bag, so I used the basic idea and added my own touches to give it a little more appeal! 

To start with, you need a few things:
 Fabric - (fat quarters will work) Although I have specified the the fabrics I used, use any fabric you want! I have shown other examples at the end of this post. You will need:
Black with cherries:
 21" x 6 1/2" strip 
Red Cherries:
21" x 5" strip , bottom body of bag
21" x 3" strip , casing
14" x 4" strip, handle
7" circle, bottom of bag
Lining (red check):
21" x 13", body of bag lining
7" circle, bottom of bag lining
Felt or batting (for inner lining to give body and insulation)
21" x 13"
7" circle, bottom
Ribbon -
1 yard of red for drawstring
various 3" pieces to coordinate with bag fabrics

1. Gather your materials and cut your circles and strips the sizes given above.  (Note: I show green fleece, but when it was too stretchy, I changed to felt as the inner lining. Batting also works!)
2. Fold the 3" pieces of ribbon in half and pin along the top of the red cherry 21" x 5" strip, raw edges at the top. Mine are spaced about 3/4" apart.
3. Pin the top of the bag (the 21" x 6 1/2" strip of black) right sides together over the ribbons.  Sew together with a 1/4" seam.
4. Press seams so that ribbons face down.
5. Right sides together, sew 5/8" side seams.
6. Using a 5/8" seam, sew the circle bottom (red cherries) to the tube formed when you sewed the side seams. Sew right sides together. Turn the bag right side out. NOTE: You can also sew the bottom circle on BEFORE you sew the side seams. This may be easier for you because you have a little more forgiveness if your circle is not quite the right size. You can then adjust the side seam to make the circle fit!
Stack the felt or batting circle with the lining circle. Sew as one piece, sewing just as you did for the outer bag - sides and then bottom, 5/8" seams. Do not turn.
8. Put lining inside bag, making sure the bottom goes all the way to the bottom of the outer bag. The top will be longer than the lining. You will be trimming it later.
9. Zig-zag together around the top of the outer bag.
10. Trim away the excess lining and inner lining.  

11. Taking the 21" x 3" casing strip, fold in half and press well.
12. Fold in the raw edges 1/4" on one long side and each end  and press.
13.With right sides together and sewing a 1/4" seam, sew the unturned side of the casing to the top of the bag.
14. Using 1 yard of ribbon, (cording would also work), lay the ribbon inside the casing and turn the casing to the back.
15. Pin the turned edge to the back over the seam. Sew down by hand.
16. For the handle, take the 14" strip of the casing fabric and the 13 1/2" strip of felt. Lay the felt in the center of the wrong side of the fabric strip. Turn the edge of one side and each end and press. 
17. Bring both long sides over the felt, making sure the turned edge is on top. Sew  down the middle and across both ends. I made two rows of seams. Do whatever you want here, but be sure you catch the edge of the folded side in it.
18.Pin to the center back (opposite where the ribbons emerge from the casing), straddling the casing, and sew on, anchoring well!
That's it! You have a cute little lunch bag or purse to show off. Change it up by changing fabrics,leaving off the ribbons, putting in piping, adding lace, piecing flying geese along the bottom, or whatever else you might think of. You can change the size, but you'll have to do the math. The strip has to be long enough to go around the circumference of the circle, taking into account the seam allowance.

Here are a few variations you might want to try. The flowers are sewn on before the side seams.
I'm a guest blogger for Madame Samm today (June 27)! If you go  to Sew We Quilt @ Stash Manicure, you will see a tutorial for the little recycled denim bag. 
    Because you took the time to visit me today, I'm having a little giveaway. All you have to do is leave me a comment for a chance to win. For a second chance, let me know you are a follower (either a new one or an existing one-  Please do this in a separate comment.) That's all you have to do.  Contest will close Wednesday, July 6, at midnight (CST). What do you have a chance to win? How about 2 patterns of your choice (to be shipped) from B.Bumble & Co.  (this includes new patterns on the What's New page) plus my new little bee pin cushion kit. See it here .
Have fun! Thank you for visiting today!!!
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  1. I love these lunch bags! I will be making one or two!

  2. Great tutorial, thanks for taking the time to do it.

  3. Thanks for the tutorial Linda. Great post over at Stash Manicure too. Hugs, Christine

  4. I'm a follower too. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  5. Oh and yes I am a follower and I love your bag..and both tuts lol...Please exclude me of course...I just wanted to convey a greeting...

  6. thanks fer the tutorial they are gorgeous .

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Linda these bags are gorgeous and thankyou for the tutorial,that is very kind of you to show us how to make one.

  9. i am a follower Linda,love your blog and thankyou for a second chance to win these lovely prizes

  10. Cutest little lunch bags, ever! I love your creativity. Thanks for the tute!

  11. I am a follower and thank you for your tutorial on these lunch bags. They look wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. You are very generous!!

  12. I came over from Stash Manicure and I think your lunch bag idea is so original! Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway.

  13. Linda, that is an interesting bag indeed. I may have to try this one. Will let you know if I do! Thanks - I know that takes a lot of time to put together.

  14. Im already following, thank you.

  15. Just discovered your blog this morning and it's just lovely. You've got a new follower.

  16. You know how much I love bags. Thanks for the tutorial. I'll have to try this one. And thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Peace on Earth and Rascal Rabbit are two of my favorite patterns that you designed - they are sew adorable!!

  18. Great tutorial. My grandchildren will be coming for the 4th of July weeks vaction. I was looking for a little special gift for them..
    You have given me a great idea.. I am going to use your tutorial to create a snack and "busy" bag for for each of them.In Maine the weather changes in a moments notice we can use these bags on drives or when rainy weather hits...Thanks for the idea, off to create... If you want to check out my creations later on (possibly tomorrow) I am at
    Thanks for the tutorial and the chance to win two of your wonderful patterns. Have a great day and Sew On...

  19. Great tutorial! The bag is very cute and versatile. Thanks for a chance to win patterns.

  20. This is my second post...I have become a follower of your blog...Thanks...

  21. I'm now a new follower of your blog.

  22. Thanks for a great tutorial! I love the cherry fabric!!

  23. Love your tutorial - great lunch bag and was wondering - could you use the cut off bottom of a plastic liter bottle for stability in the bottom part of bag? My favorite is the bandana fabric. Judy C

  24. I have become a follower and look forward to visiting. Judy C

  25. Great tutorial for a great bag ! Thanks for the chance to win.

  26. I love the bags, and am now off to see you at SM

  27. P s and I've been a follower fr ages :-)

  28. I love this lunch bag. Sure beats the ugly vinyl lunch bags! Thank you so much for the tutorial.

  29. And oh yes, I have become a "Follower". and I am one of those who take a bit of time every morning to read all the blogs I'm following! I think I'll be getting a lot of new ideas from you - again thank you for sharing your talents.

  30. Thanks for the fantastic tutorial and for the opportunity to enter your giveaway !!

  31. Thanks for the tutorial! Your little bee pincushion is adorable!

  32. I love your tutorial and always looking for a great way to use old jeans. Thank you and am now a your blog.

  33. Hello, Thank you for adding a new link to your site (on the comments section), I still can't link from the original site on Madame's Samm's page (it still gives the phishing warning, even after you posted trying to fix it. Thanks for the tutorial, it's a really cute lunch bag! I don't have a blog, but I will leave my email.
    p.s. I have never stopped in Pleasanton, but I always pass it on the freeway on my way up to San Antonio--what a small world. Again, thanks for sharing!

  34. What a great tutorial! Thank you...and thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  35. I follow your blog! Thanks again.

  36. Great little bags. Thank you.

  37. I would have recognized this as one of your designs anywhere, Linda! The little ribbons give it away! Thanks for sharing this tutorial! (and I am a follower!)


  38. I am one of your newest followers. Love all the patterns on you selling site, but don't know if I could make any of them and have them look right..

  39. Oops, evidently I'm not good at following instructions! I was supposed to let you know I'm a follower in a separate comment!


  40. Great little bag. I hope to make one up for a friend who has been looking for a new lunch bag.Thanks for the tut.

  41. Thank you for this pattern and directions! I've transfered it to a word document so I can take it to my sewing room and make several.
    Love your site and will visit regularly~

  42. I've tried several times to comment with my Google account, but something is wrong and it won't let me. Also, the "followers" won't show pictures or let me join! Will try again tonight, but I'll sure follow, I love your ideas.

  43. Happy dance...these are adorable my friend. Thank you for the chance to win. xoxoxo

  44. Was glad to see you on Stash and that MSamm fixed the problem this morning. So many possibilities with these bags, too cute.

  45. I love the cute bags! thanks for the tutorial and for the giveaway!

  46. This sounds like a great project for my stitching group! blessings, marlene

  47. And I'm a long-time follower. :) blessings, marlene

  48. Thanks for the directions for those cute bags. They are so easy to understand. I love it when there are pictures with the directions. I can follow them so much easier.

  49. I have followed you for a while.

  50. I love the bag idea and great step-by-step instructions in your tutorial!

  51. I'm a new follower - saw you over at Stash Manicure. Thanks for the tutorial - I especially like the one with the flowers.

  52. What a wonderfully detailed tutorial! Thank you!

  53. Linda, another wonderful tutorial, thank you so much. Now before I go, I just had to tell you something funny because we have shared hummingbird feeder stories before. I got home from walking this morning and I had a sly little sparrow on one of my hummingbird feeders. He would fly up on a branch, then down onto the feeder and get it to swinging so that the nectar was dripping out of the tiny holes and drink the nectar. When it was gone, he repeated this little trick, over and over. It was just so fun to watch. I have had Chickadees hang upside down and use cute tricks to get the nectar dripping but never sparrows. So cute!!! Hugs....

  54. I have been a follower for quite some time now and love everything about your blog. Thanks for a chance to win the patterns and have fun over at Stash manicure! hugs...

  55. Great tutorial. Those bags would also make cute gift bags.

  56. Ooh, great tutorial. I'm going to make one using my old jeans first because yours is so cute and then I'll use my good fabric. This will be great for my friends that like bags. I haven't seen them with one of it!

  57. Love this tutorial. I'll try to make one.

  58. Very cute lunch bags. Thanks for the tutorial. I think these would make great little gifts for a quick Christmas present. And also a way to use up some of my stash.

  59. darling bag, darling fabrics--especially the comics one. thanks for great tutorial and the giveaway is so generous. have a great day

  60. Thanks for the tutorial. Those bright bags have brightened my day!

  61. My comments keep disappearing! Hope that duplicates do not eventually show.
    I enjoyed your bag tutorial and post at stashmanicure. My favorite is the jeans bag. Thanks for the chance to win patterns.

  62. The bee pincushion is so cute! Thanks for the tips on filling a pin cushion and for the bag tutorial.

  63. What a great tutorial for making a lunch bag. I also like the tips on filling a pin cushion.

  64. Love the little bags! I'm thinking I need to make several of these in Christmas/Winter themes to fill with goodies for the young ladies in my life. Thank you for the tutorial!!

  65. I saw this over at Stash Manicure and just loved it. So cute!!!

  66. Wow what a great tutorial. I made this yesterday and had a lot of fun putting it together. I will blog about it today and post a pic.

    Thanks and I would love to win your give away.
    I will put up a post on my blog with a pic and some things I did a bit differently and somethings I learned.
    thank you I had fun making it. And I hope to win your give away!!


  67. Great tutorial! Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. Well those are the cutest bags! They sort of remind me of a dolly purse I had as a little girl. Inside was the dolly's bed. I took that thing with me everywhere! Memories.......... I love it!

  69. I LOVE the bag! How adorable! Makes me want to make several. Thank you.

  70. I am now a follower! So exciting!

  71. Thank you for the great tutorial.It makes everything seem so easy.I love your bee pincushion, it's adorable.

  72. I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.

  73. Trying again to leave a comment. I am a follower.

  74. Since I got lucky and my last post worked I will try again. Love your little bag. Some of the old books are very good.

    Verna G

  75. Your bags are really cute! Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway.

  76. That is soooo cute! You are doing so well!!! I have been just working away on several items, purses, quilts and the like...hopefully I can get them posted this week!

  77. I really liked your bags, super cute. Thanks for the tutorial and the chance to win.

  78. i am also one of your newest followers. :)

  79. These bags are sooooo sweet! Thanks for the tute it is great and easy to follow!

  80. I am a new follower and looking forward to your creations - thanks for sharing!



  83. I am a new follower..thank you for the chance to win..lindacrosby(at)hotmail(dot)com

  84. Love the little Bee...lindacrosby(at)hotmail(dot)com

  85. new follower. cute ideas.

  86. I'm a follower and happy to be one!

  87. This would be a great little take along sewing bag!

  88. I love the lunch bag! I carry my lunch every day and will definitely make one of these. The food fabric is one of my favorites.

  89. I love the 'miser's bag', really cute and would make a nice little the bee pin cushion is darling. Would be thrilled to win your give away and I'm a new follower too!!

  90. Love your skeleton and black cat pattern! Really cute!

  91. I am a follower of your blog:)

  92. Follower buttons aren't showing up on blogs for me today. I think I am a follower but I couldn't check. Blogger has been so crazy lately.

  93. Cutest thing I've seen in a long while!!! I want one for every day at work!!

  94. cute, cute, cute bag....I would use it as a purse!!

  95. That is a darling little bad idea... thanks so much :)

  96. I love this bag and hope to be able to try it once my mom is doing better. Your fabrics are awesome as well! Thanks for posting the tutorial! Hugs, Mickie

  97. Such a cute bag! I love all the variations you've made! Whoop whoop!!

  98. Lookie here, how did I miss this post? You've been doing a lot of sewing lately! Cute bag and tutorial as well!

  99. Very cute bags!! Great tutorial!

  100. Awesome! Great Tute!

  101. What a cute bag - love the cherries! Thanks for a chance to win!

  102. Neat bags! I am a follower too :)

  103. Awesome job on your tutorial - thank you for the chance to win!!!

  104. Loved the tutorial too! Your little bags are way too sweet...Thank you too for the giveaway!!! fingers are crossed!

  105. Well, I just love this bag! Super cute! Plan to make a few. Am I allowed to sell these since I've used your pattern? Of course I would give you the proper credit.

  106. Very cute bag. I to have grandkids that would like this bag. I envision camo, princess fabric, hot wheel fabric! What a great gift idea.


You can leave your comment here! (I'm so sorry, but if you are an Anonymous commenter, your comment will not publish. This is because of the huge amounts of spam that I have received from anonymous sources.)