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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Grandson's Room and a New Pet

 Tah-Dah! Of course, you have to use your imagination a little. His "big boy" bed is not here yet, so we just built up his youth bed with a suitcase and tried to give the effect of a bigger bed. There are things I would change - I would make the road signs bigger, for instance, but I leave in the morning so I need to just call it finished. My grandson loved it and that is what counts.
I've been sitting here listening to what sounds like far away barking. Then it dawned on me - I'm hearing my grandson's new pets! Fire bellied frogs. He named this one Harry. (I couldn't quite get him in focus because I was shooting through glass, but I think you can see his beautiful coloring. His stomach is bright red-orange!) I can see a quilt design here. Hmmmm............
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  1. I think you have a winner! And it is SO-O little boy! I think you did a good job in the little bit of time you have been there.

  2. Linda, you must be the best grandmother...especially in those little ones' eyes! Hugs!

  3. The bedroom looks great! And that is a beautiful frog! Wish I could hear their sound!


  4. love the room!! a real boy's place....nice job. And the pet is so cute too......

  5. Harry is a very handsome frog! The bedroom looks great.

  6. i think the room turned out GREAT! I can see why he loves it. what a cute frog!

  7. The bedroom looks great! I'm sure your grandson loves it. Isn't it funny that no matter how well we do something, we can still think of some way to improve it?

  8. What a lovely room my friend. xoxoxo Cute frog.

  9. I was thinking of you today while working on your applique technique with your Shop Hopper pattern! Your grandson will have lots of fun in his newly decorated room - I'm sure he's looking forward to a 'big boy' bed :-) My son really enjoys his - safe travels home!

  10. That room is amazing! You have clearly out done yourself! I love it!

  11. Will you adopt me? I need a new room! I think they both turned out just fabulous and you are AMAZING. Love Harry, he needs to be immortalized in a quilt for sure!

  12. Whow that bedroom looks fantastic,well done linda

  13. I love the sense of fun and the great colors you've used with the grands' rooms!

  14. Fabulous boy's room. Love the checkered flag look:) Those frogs look amazing.

  15. Another great makeover! Cute frog.


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