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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A WIP and a Visit to My Garden

I'm working on a "tropical island" quilt for my granddaughter. I need to finish it before June, when I will see her again. She wants lots of pink and pink flamingos. The white is paper. I'm thinking of scattering flowers across the top of it. It is a very scrappy quilt using tropical fabrics cut in different sized squares. It is not anywhere near finished, but at least I'm working on something. Because she wants a big pink flamingo on her quilt, I'm trying to make a second one with the flamingo in the center and blocks depicting different tropcial "things" around it. I have made a block from Paper Panache that is an Hawaiian shirt. It has a little 3 dimensional collar and a real pocket. Now I'm trying to come up with a little hula dancer to go along with it! And flip-flops! (We used to call them "thongs", but I discovered to my daughter-in-law's horror that you can't call them that anymore!!!!)

 I went outside to water my flowers and discovered a little wren (?) has built a nest in one of my hanging baskets.  My entire yard is full of new life! Swallows have nests in three places around my porches, hummingbirds are still draining their feeders every day, and then there's Fiona, the little Chihuahua from next door. (Do I need to point out that her owner is a little girl?) She came over to show me her new manicure!

Fiona with her newly painted nails!

 I have really tried to quilt in subtle, soft colors, but I keep coming back to the brights. I love what some of you put together in soft pinks and pale blues, but maybe if you saw my flower beds you would understand . This is what I caught with my camera a few minutes ago. Some are already fading, but there will be others to take their places.
Bird of Paradise

Oleander ready to bloom



Chrysanthemum (yes, it's blooming in the spring!)

More chrysanthemums
Yikes! A green spider killing a fly!  

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  1. Your yard is looking great! And the quilt is shaping up to be really cute. I know a little girl who is going to love it!

  2. Lovely lovely quilt...and very nice flowers....

  3. Ok, so you know I am your grand daughter right? I love my new quilts!

  4. Oh the flowers are just beautiful in bloom... and I LoVe the idea of flowers on the quilt...looks so pretty! Your granddaughter will love it I'm sure! How could she not? :)

  5. Bright colours will make anyone open up a big smile!
    Your garden is so bountiful and inspiring!
    How nice of the little wren to build her nest so close to you. She feels safe there!

  6. Your granddaughters quilt is going to be gorgeous. I'm sure she will love it. Had to laught about "thongs" - the younger generation thinks underware while we think footwear - lol!
    Your garden is ablaze with color - thanks for sharing the photos.

  7. Oh i am sure your little princess will love your handmade quilt. I simply cannot resist touching any handmade goodness as i pass through the rooms in my home. Children feel the connection i am sure! Your garden looks very colourful. Gorgeous!

  8. I had to laugh at your "thong" comment. How times change and words change too. lol Who would have thought a thong would be underwear--very small underwear at that. I love bright colors too. The shirt is so cute. Thanks for sharing your flowers with us. I haven't even planted any yet as it has been so cold at night.

  9. I love the tropical print shirt block sew much - what a great idea!

  10. Oh my,your GD will be thrilled with the quilt your making. And your flowers, I love them. Our flowers here are just starting. We're about 4-7 days from the irises blooming. The lilacs are in full bloom now.


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