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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tropical Island Quilt Finished (almost!)


 Whew! Finished! All except for the flower centers. I posed it in a guest room, so this is not it's final home. Hopefully, it will be cuter on my granddaughter's bed in her "tropical island" bedroom. I even draped the leis across my headboard trying to help the situation. Her bed is white, so I think that will be prettier.

I quilted this on a frame - a first for me. I've quilted everything I've ever done on my sewing machine. I started at 9:00 yesterday morning and  finished at 3:30 that afternoon. The frame allows only 7" of quilting space, so I spent more time rolling, pinning, and adjusting than actual quilting. I don't think I could have gotten this done under my sewing machine arm, though. I have a new respect for longarm quilters. My back and shoulders are pretty sore today! I spent today sewing on the binding and washing and drying the quilt.  I wanted it to be washed so that it would be soft and slightly puckered. I will mail it tomorrow and hopefully, it will be there when I fly out next Thursday. (No, not on a broom.) It won't fit in my suitcase unless I decide to not take clothes. Hmmm.....I guess I could buy a new wardrobe when I get there! I'll have to talk to my sweet, generous husband about that!  Good idea, right? Saves on postage!

I plan on letting my granddaughter help me sew buttons in the centers of the flowers. I have just sprinkled some on for the photo. I will let her choose which she wants and where. I believe in letting kids help as much as possible. It not only gives them ownership and teaches them a skill, it shows them how much work goes into something like this. She can be proud of the part she had in creating her room.
 I still owe her a quilt with a flamingo on it, so I will have to work on that idea. I have a flamingo all cut out and edges turned...ready for applique. I also have 3 of the tropical shirt blocks done. That quilt will have to be a lap throw. 
I also haven't forgotten that my little grandson also needs a room decorated. I need to start on that next. 

 Have I mentioned that I love, love, love being a grandmother?!!! I'm with the person who said that if they had known grandchildren would be so much fun, they would have had them first!

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  1. What a pretty quilt! I'll bet your granddaughter is going to love it!

  2. Your granddaughter is going to love the quilt :) Being a grandmother is the best job in the world!!!!

  3. It's gonna be gorgeous in her room!!!!! AND I'm waiting to be a grandmother... no .. no news yet.. but I'm hoping they decide sOOn .. wink wink...!
    Good JoB!

  4. What a beautiful quilt.
    I love the bright flowers and the buttons will make a nice finish.

  5. That quilt is certainly becoming absolutely gorgeous!! Your grand-daughter must be proud to call you hers!! Hugs x

  6. The quilt looks fabulous. I love the flamingo pink background. I don't have any grandchildren yet but I certainly don't agree with having them myself :D

  7. Lovely and inviting. I can't wait to see the flamingo quilt.

  8. What a wonderful gift for your granddaughter. The quilt looks very bright and fun. I love it!

  9. I bet your grand daughter is going to LOVE bright and colorful.

  10. Such a fun post! :) She will love it!! And how fun that she gets to help with the finishing up!!!

    Quilting on a frame? I am going to have to google that!


  11. Great quilt!! She's going to love it!

  12. That's a lovely quilt, Linda!! It looks like it's been the month for tropical quilts, and that's a great one! I'm so glad you linked up for Whoop Whoop Friday!!

  13. Your granddaughter will love the quilt. Take it with you and just buy new clothes. The quilt is much more important anyway.

  14. Linda, its adorable, and what a lovely lovely idea to include her in the final process. I am sure she will treasure this forever, and pass down the family. Gorgeous!!

  15. What a great quilt! Love the colors, and the pattern is really pretty. Whoop Whoop! I think it's a lovely idea to let your granddaughter help sew the buttons, she'll remember being a part of its creation!


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