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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mayo Feliz El 5!

"Folklorica Dancers" by Darla Royal (7" x 9")

Today is Cinco de Mayo, the unofficial holiday celebrating the Mexican army's victory over the French in 1862, during the Mexican/American war. I have nothing against the French and I'm not Mexican, but in areas where there is a large Mexican population, this day has become a day to celebrate the Mexican culture and heritage. There are sales in shops, parties in homes, and even parades in cities.
You might enjoy seeing some watercolors of Folklorica dancers on my sister's blog. She had an entire series of them. You can see them on Doodling in My Mind. She has been doing a series of paintings, challenging herself to do one watercolor a day. Since she teaches high school art and the end of the school year is always hectic, this has been difficult. She has pulled it off beautifully, though! 

I was inspired to pull out these fabrics from my stash. They are not new fabrics. Some are older than others. I collected them because they reminded me of the Mexican influence. The bright colors, the free form designs, the bold contrasts all appeal to me. 
The black fabric in the background is from the "Folklorica" collection by Julie Paschkis of Beginning Fabrics (2009). The four fabrics beside the bowl are part of that collection. I love it so much, I haven't been able to cut into it. 
The fabrics in the bowl are unidentified. Most are old. The yellow "fiesta" fabric is "Salsa Picante" , designed by Lorilynn Simms for Robert Kaufman fabrics. (unknown year)
Some day I plan on making a bright, happy Mexican influenced quilt. Until then, I just enjoy taking the fabrics out and looking at them!

Happy Cinco de Mayo!


  1. I love your fabrics! They are so colorful and cheerful-Thanks for the smile!

  2. Oh my!! That is beautiful fabric; really. I love all of it; but the black in the background is gorgeous....

  3. My sister has some of that background fabric too! I was with her in Hancock's of Paducah and they had a very large piece of it in their remnant pile. The colors are so pretty.


  4. Happy Cinco to you! I'm not much into the Mexican motif and really don't care for the celebrations when I start hearing the illegal fireworks going off. I love all of the bright fabrics you pulled together!

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Lovely fabrics.

  6. Oh they are so bright and beautiful!!! Loving your fabrics!! Can't wait to see what you come up with when you can bring yourself to cut into them - whatever it is, it will be FABULOUS!!!

  7. Oh aren't the fabrics just beautiful! So bright and colourful... I love 'em! :)

  8. WOWSER! LOOK AT ALL THOSE NEW FOLLOWERS!!!! Over 10 in a WEEK! Very proud for you! Everyone of them are going to LEARN so MUCH from all your talents!!!!
    Your little informative site is so awesome! and won my giveaway!
    Send me your two favorite charm packs and I will mail them out ASAP - before you get 10 more new followers!!!!
    Whoooo Hoooooo girl~~~~

  9. I am glad someone else just likes to look at their fabric in their stash! hehehe

  10. Your fabrics certainly look nice. I love the panels with the black background. Thanks for the mini history lesson.

  11. Linda, you were right: I love your sister's work. She has a looser style that I would love to have: I think a lot of it is speed, and perhaps knowing when to stop. Both rather difficult in the watercolor medium. Haven't had time today to explore her blog; will later.
    Hugs to you both!


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