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Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm Back from the Shop Hop!

Here I am in my corner of the room.
I'm back! The Shop Hop is now over and I've packed up my "stuff" and come home. What fun we had! 
The quilt shop employees all wore their Fiesta best!

I was set up in Seventh Heaven in San Antonio, Texas. Every shop chose a theme and this shop chose Fiesta! That was very fitting since San Antonio is in the midst of Fiesta now.  Next to me was a big lemonade dispenser and the "fixings" for Nachos - chips, melted cheese, jalapenos, and salsa. (And not one person dripped on my quilts!)

This was the "sign-in" station. Shop Hoppers had a "trail pass" stamped to show they had been in the shop. They then signed up for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate from Seventh Heaven. They also picked up a free pattern sheet and chose a free fat quarter (every shop gave one!). Shoppers who completed the entire Shop Hop (12 shops spanning quite a distance) are entered to win huge prizes. 
Seventh Heaven's version of the Shop Hop Quilt

A view from the front room of the shop.
A view into the cutting area. 

There were demos of different tools and techniques in the classroom area.
Many groups dressed in matching hats, shirts, or jackets. These ladies were having a good time in their feathered bonnets!
Dixie, the shop owner, is the lady in pink and white. Pat Gates, the co-owner of Sew Many Visions, is behind the table with her beautiful samples  displayed on the wall and table.
A peek into the "children's room" - a room of junior novelty prints and coordinating fabrics.
Some groups came by chartered bus.
My corner again, but without me to mar the view! I fought the tablecloth the whole time because the quilts were moved around so much and the tablecloth moved with them. I needed it there because my boxes of patterns were underneath the table.
I wish I had taken better photos (the best are the ones of my corner that my husband took with his iPhone!). Next time I will know what to take pictures of. 
I hope you have a chance to participate in a Shop Hop where you live!


  1. Gosh, that would be SEW much fun! Talk about distance around here - we'd have to drive two to four hours to get to new towns! It would definitely take a week - I wonder how they oraganized this - was it a guild or shop owners? Seriously cool stuff - I wonder what the "big" prizes were??? Thank you for sharing and congratulations to you!

  2. I'm not sure exactly how it is organized. I know that the shop owners meet and I know that they pay a large fee to participate. They will meet again on Wednesday to put all the trail passes together and to draw the winners.

    The Grand Prize is a Great Bag of Gift Certificates and Merchandise - total value over $1500.
    There are also 12 other merchandise bags valued at over $300.
    Yes, North Dakota might be a little difficult to "hop" around!

  3. Am going on a Shop Hop with a group in a couple of months. Looking forward to first one.

  4. It looks like the Shop Hop was well attended. I hope you made a lot of sales.


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