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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Finding Inspiration

What can I say about a scene like this? This is a photo in my files of my granddaughter in Victoria, B.C. She was 2 years and 9 months old and we had gone to visit this beautiful place.. She stopped along the way to admire every flower. Of course, she wore her red rain boots because they made her happy!
This is the type of scene that grabs my heart. This is why I quilt with bright colors and most often have childhood themes. 
Notice the colors in this photo. I added the gold of the sunny day and used black instead of blue, but if you crop out the background you are left with colors that might have been the reason behind this quilt:


  1. What a beautiful memory.. both in pic and mind! Love the ReD BooTs! The quilt is so cheerful, bright and HaPPy.. well at least to me! Nice work! :)

  2. Wonderful that you see the color in life and then combine it in quilts! Love the pic of your granddaughter! :) And the quilt is a wonderful combination of colors. Love the way the black sets it off.

  3. What a sweet photo of your granddaughter with her fun red boots and her cute little shorts. And I love your quilt and the story behind it.

  4. Linda, I have looked at this photo over and over and each time it tugs at my heart strings. What wonderful inspiration you have. Thanks so much for sharing this. Hugs...

  5. Awww...your granddaughter is so adorable! You are a very talented lady! Thank you for sharing your talents!


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