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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

This 5'2" little old lady is me. I'm at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo - being honored for my block accepted into the Texas Department of Agriculture Quilt. (I'm pointing to my block.)
The quilt was beautiful in "real life". Each block depicted "Texas Wildlife".
I was invited to be present and help with the unveiling at the show. It was first unveiled at the state fair, but I was unable to attend. The quilt will travel around the state for a couple of years.

 Here is my square before I sent it off to the competition.

I was pulled aside to be interview by a local radio station! I was petrified! (That is me in the tan jacket.) I have absolutely no idea what I said. I told my friends, "Now I can cross radio disc jockey off my list of things to be when I grow up!" Perhaps if I had known I would be interview and had an idea of what would be asked, I would have been more relaxed.
It was a good day. It's always nice to feel "affirmed and validated". To see a good photo of this quilt go to:

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