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Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting Organized

I'm really not a slob. I like things clean and orderly. Unfortunately, the last two months have been so busy I've let my sewing room get completely out of control! I found it easier to just pile things on the chair or stack boxes on the floor. Then I could close the door and forget about the mess for a while.

 I am capable of getting my "stuff" under control. This is my pantry - all neat and organized with labels and Rubbermaid containers to keep things fresh. Fortunately, my pantry is large (for a pantry).

My sewing room, on the other hand, is small (for a sewing room). Especially for someone who makes quilting a business. It is 11 1/2' x 10 1/2'.
I started by moving my business equipment into the small closet in the room. It had been stacked with tubs of scraps, which I cleaned out (saving the best ones) and non-cotton fabrics (that I moved to another closet). I kept the tubs with items I used regularly and put them on the floor under the shelves. This freed up a lot of space in the room.

I put my large cones of thread in tubs that fit on a shelf.

I also put all my fat quarters and large scraps in tubs by color. These went into my cabinets. (I found the tubs at Wal-mart for $3. I bought 6. When I decided I could use more than that, I went back. They had sold out and tubs of the same size now cost twice that.)
Things are looking better, but I still have a lot of work to do. It's hard to see, but I have little hardware drawers on top of the cabinets . Each drawer has a different color embroidery floss with a swatch and the number on the front of the drawer. Oh, and I found my good pair of scissors!!!!
When I finish completely, I'll try to post an after picture. In the meantime, I think I'll stop and have a cup of coffee. I feel like I'm getting a head start on "spring cleaning".


  1. Hi Linda --- I just started following your blog today. I am doing some of the same things, getting organized. Just as soon as I finish I am going to put some new pictures up on my blog.


  2. Welcome, Rhonda! Thank you for commenting! I'm looking forward to seeing your blog!

  3. Hi Linda! You are giving me much inspiration for my quilting room! I am in the process of having a countertop and drawers installed and some overhead lighting... Yeeaah! It's all about organization isn't it? I seem to get more creative in a room that is not so messy. Thank you!

  4. It is nice to see your work space - messy or clean. If it is messy you are being creative and that is the fun part!

  5. I could use your help, organizing my sewing the moment it's a disaster.


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