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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Blocks I Won

 These are the blocks I won at my quilt guild meeting on Wednesday. They are made by other ladies in the guild.
Now I am challenged to come up with a quilt using these 9 blocks. I can add more blocks if I want. (The stockinged feet are not part of the block set!) I will post the final quilt later. (Not sure HOW much later as I am a little stumped so far about making these come together.) It is a FUN challenge. I have drawn out about 4 ideas for a Valentine's Day quilt, but I haven't even had time to cut a single piece of fabric since the holidays. My tree didn't come down until yesterday! 
So stay on the lookout in the future for the final results. Until then, have fun with your own challenges! I will try to write a real post  SOON!

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