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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Using "Leftovers" From Other Projects

Bags made from "leftovers"
I've never been one to look forward to leftovers for dinner, but leftovers from quilt projects can be a lot of fun!

I've been really busy the last week making quilt tops from new fabrics. Since I design my own patterns, I often cut strips and blocks that I end up not using. (There can be a LOT of trial and error to designing "from scratch".) I always save those pieces and reuse them when I can.

Pieced backs of bags
I had a pile of strips and scraps on my work table and decided to use them in tote bags. Even the little triangle flap was left over from a quilt project. I added a few ribbon loops between two strips in the bag on the left. These bags are small at only about  10" wide (not counting the 3" side panels) and 12" high. They would be perfect for folding up and carrying in my purse to use in place in plastic bags for purchases. Or how about a gift bag that is also part of the gift! They would also be nice for carrying a few books or magazines or a Bible.
 I lined them with leftovers from the backs of quilts.

I have another little pile left that I will also use to make a little bag.

Here is a trial "layout" for the front of a bag. I smoothed out the rounded edge on the black and white scrap. It might make a nice pocket.

Can you see the possibilities here? Just play with your scraps and see what you come up with. The scraps might dictate the size of the bag. That's okay. There are different uses for different sized bags.

This is probably nothing new to you if you have quilted a while, but sometimes we need our memories jogged. This is faster than a scrap quilt, although scrap quilts are wonderful, too!

Now I'm off to eat some leftovers ------ apple pie!  Now, that I don't mind!


  1. OK. Seriously! I will buy that little bag when you are done! That will be so cute!!!
    Very nice! I love visiting your site...I get so inspired!

  2. I love it when I see totally unrelated fabrics put together, the results are always so exciting!


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