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Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Halloween Project

with more stars and spread out over red fabric
I'm currently working on a new pattern for Halloween. Yes, it should have been out months ago, but I look at it as early for next year!  (Note: It is still protected by copyright, no matter how many changes you might make to it, so please be nice and play fair.) This panel is about 45" x 25" so far.

This is just a peak at the center panel. The pieces have their edges turned under and ready to applique down, but I am "auditioning" backings and poses. I haven't tried to make the skeleton "text book correct". He is only a suggestion of a skeleton. (I guess he would make a funny looking man with a lot of missing bones, but it would make for a very tedious project if all were included.) Everything is only pinned down at this point and the panel is only draped across a red fabric.  The next time you see it, there may be additions, subtractions, or even big changes. I might even change the background fabric! That's why I like this method of applique. I can get a good idea of what I'm going to end up with and make changes before I have done a lot of work.

Because the dark background made the turned under seams of the white bones appear, I backed each piece with batting. I've adhered it with glue stick temporarily to help it stay in place while I sew it.

At this point, I can either hand applique or machine applique, but all my edges will be turned under and will stay neat through a lot of washings.

I plan on the red being just  a very narrow flange around the perimeter and then perhaps some pieced squares as a border. Maybe stars? Flying Geese? I will have to play with it some more before I decide. Halloween is not a holiday I want to spend a lot of energy on, so I want to keep it a simple, quick project.  I could put a couple of borders and embroider a verse on it like I have done with several other patterns. At this point, I'm not sure. This is the fun part.

I'll keep you informed on my progress. What do you think?

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