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Friday, August 6, 2010

Name Tags, Business Cards, and Quilts

I was in a guild in Raleigh, North Carolina during the time we lived there, which was only about 2 years. The guild required that you make a name tag and wear it to every meeting. Most guilds have a similar bylaw. There were no rules, no restrictions and you could be as creative as you wanted. I loved that! Of course, I ended up waiting until the last minute to make my name tag. I had to really scramble to put one together. I found an orphan block and pieced it into some background fabric. I wrote my name with a fabric pen and added a few purchased embroidered flowers and a dragonfly (that I had in a drawer). (I'm not in the habit of keeping dragonflies in a drawer. It was also a purchased embroidered item!)  I hand embroidered a couple of stems and added appliqued leaves. I also attached a ribbon hanger so I could just hang it over my neck.
close up of name tag
It was, perhaps, a little large (about 8" x 10"), but I saw many large name tags at the guild meeting and many were larger than mine! Besides, it could double as a bib! I quilted it and put on a binding and had a name tag that could double as a decorative item in my sewing room. I just hung it on the wall.
I mention this because you may need a name tag also. Look through your orphan blocks (If you're not familiar with that term, orphan blocks are one of a kind, trial blocks, leftover blocks, blocks you made in class and never repeated, etc.). See if you can add your name somewhere with a fabric pen (you can print it off the computer and trace it onto white fabric or muslin if you don't want to machine embroider or embroider by hand.) Treat it like a tiny quilt.

When I started my business, I needed a business card. I something that truly represented ME. I made a little quilt in the same proportions as a business card and photographed it to use as the front of my cards. My little quilt finished off at 22" x 13 1/2".
(The photo is not great. In "real life" the sides are straight and it is a perfect rectangle!) It was so much fun making something to represent what I do. Again, I was pressed for time. That seems to be a recurring theme in my life. I am anxious to make another one for new business cards. In fact, it would be fun to have several different designs on my cards.
You might enjoy using a photo of one of your quilts on business cards, even if you don't have a business. What a great way to let friends know just what you do. Next time a friend asks for your address, phone number, or email just hand them a card! They'll say, "Oh, what a lovely quilt!" You'll say, "I made that!"
Hey, it's better than pulling out a brag book. You can do that after they ask about your quilting.


  1. What a wonderful business card and so personal.

  2. I love this idea too. I will just have to make some cards for the Australian Sewing Guild trip I am doing in July. A group from all over Australia are getting together in Adelaide this year for an organised tour of shops and cultural things in and around Adelaide. Last year it was in Sydney. It is great fun and I know a card with a sewing picture and my details would be fun to give.

  3. Hi buddies, it is great written piece entirely defined, continue the good work constantly. cheap business cards


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